The sad story of a sad muderer

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The streetlamp’s light flickered, fighting to survive the enclosing shadows. But then, it stopped, leaving the shabby street in complete darkness. The pavement was wet from the night rain, leaving a heavy feeling in the air.  The man tried to shake the damp of his coat. He felt stressed out, tired, yet it was nothing compared to the irritation sticking in his skin. He worked so hard lately, and for what? No one appreciated it anyway. His family didn’t understand all the effort it took him, still, he smiled. Just one more company and he would have it all. All the power he could take. He would teach them to be grateful for the man providing them. Suddenly a slim figure appeared from the corner of the narrow city street. He smirked when he saw her. Maybe his day could turn out for the better after all. She wore a long fur coat, covering most of her body, but he still caught a glimpse of the short dark dress underneath, showing her long smooth legs. He moved towards her, making her back away against the cold brick wall. He thought he could see her red lips smile encouraging, tempting him. He took a hard grip on her wrist, slamming it against the wall and held it up. He smiled wicked as he let his hand travel from her soft cheek down her neck. She shivered, as it felt like ice spreading from his fingers, however, she made no resistance.  But suddenly, a knife glistened in the dim light.


The hot chocolate burned L’s tongue as she took a sip, therefore she put it down on the floor, to drink in a little while. She took another look at the papers in her hand. “Lost dog”, “Woman and child found buried”, “Child missing”, “Man murdered in hotel room” the headlines of the reports continued as she turned the pages. She was used to read of a hundreds crimes per day, in a city as big as this one, it was not a surprise. She flipped through a few more reports significant, when one caught her attention. “Frank Collins found murdered”. The image of a man with brown, slicked back hair, slowly turning into gray, came into her mind. His eyes tired, but greedy, and his smile evil, but powerful. That was the famous Frank Collins, the rich man taking over company after company. This could be interesting, she thought as she shoved the other reports aside and opened the one in front of her, unfortunately she forgot again and took another sip of her chocolate, burning her tongue once more. She read through the file slightly curious.

Frank Collins
Age: 47

Family: Julie Collins (Wife age 43), Alice Collins (daughter age 7), Hannah (daughter age 10)
and Brad (son age 16)

Lives: 34 Maple street

Frank Collins found dead early in the morning in the alley close by his home. He had been stabbed in the chest multiple times, killing him.

A sign for a sentimental murder, L thought for herself. There were a few pictures of the crime scene, but not much trace left behind. It must have been something personal, still the murderer could think clear enough to wipe the crime scene clean, not a single hair was left behind. She opened up her fast, modern, new and of course expensive computer, probably the only new, modern and expensive thing in her little, yet chaotic flat. The computer sat on the single clean table in the room, surrounded by piles of books in the same height. She couldn’t have invested for the computer by herself, but the city’s police agency had helped her pay for it, as a gift for her help solving crimes. She sent away an email notifying which crime she’d be investigating at the moment. Letting the police know that she would want the updates as soon as possible. They sent her a bunch of crime reports every month, letting her choose if she would want to investigate on too, by herself of course. She was a loner and they knew it. With her short height, flat body and black hair, cut almost as short as a boy’s, she could easily blend in. The only thing sticking out was her light, forest green eyes, but there wasn’t much she could do about them even if she wanted to.

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