Good News

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Because Christ came to Earth and sacrificed his life to share the good news of God, (The Heavenly Father's Kingdom come) Jesus will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. In pursuing the Heavenly Father, in ALL STRUGGLING (Spiritual : attacks, mocks, trespasses), (Physical : disease, weakness, illness, mental struggles) and in (Emotional : heartache, pain, suffering) we then gain strength in Spirit knowing that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, that like Jesus, we must persevere through ALL STRUGGLES to be granted the blessing of being Forever In The Presence of God and Christ. To be blessed with Finding Love in Him and to be Forever In Favor of Him through His Love and Our Love for Him. Delight in Weakness, for "I am with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you." Therefore God will save you from your ways and guide you in the perfect safety of the Lord. This is the message to all the Churches of Christ that undergo persecution and defeat : The Lamb Of God, The Messiah and The Lion Of Judah, Jesus Christ; The only one worthy of opening the scroll for the Kingdom Of God is to come, For the victory of God will be fulfilled fully by The Lord. "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 5:10. "This is why for Christ's sake, we must Delight In Him, in weakness, in insults, in hardships and in persecutions. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10. This is because, "For I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who Strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. We must Pray Continuously and to Continually seek the Lord's Face, For He Hears your requests in Spirit and in Truth. And the Lord Will Forgive Sin and Heal the Blind and The Land by his Holiness and in His Presence That Is Love. "If my people, who are called by my name (for my people, who I call by name) will Humble THEMSELVES and Pray and Seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I Will Hear Them From Heaven, and I Will Forgive Their Sin and Will Heal Their Land." 2 Chronicles 7:14. Repent for The Heavenly Father, who has cared and loved you before you were born. He who knows you by name, and dedicates His Life to Save You and to Love You.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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