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Poor Kyle, he had to clean everything up the next morning. "Is it broken?" Rory asked me, tapping my nose.

"It hurts but no," I muttered. "It's just bruised."

"So have you talked to him?" Rory asked me. "No, but I have a way to fix the whole conundrum."

"How?" she wondered. "I'll tell you later," I promised. Mom handed me the note to explain me being late for school. "You really wanna do this?"

"I have to try," I mumbled. "Good luck," Mom gave me a small smile before I left the house.

I walked up to Stars Hollow High and Tessa frowned. "You transferring back?"

"I'm sorting this mess out," I told him. I saw Jess a little ways down the corridor.

He froze once he laid eyes on me. "He's ready to see you," the secretary told me. I nodded and I went inside.

"Heather Gilmore," Principal Merton greeted me as I went inside. "What can I do for you?"

"It's about my boyfriend," I told him as he shut the door. "Jess."

"Oh, you're his girlfriend, pleading for his case," Principal Merton rolled his eyes. "Can he not just do summer school or something?" I asked him.

"He has missed thirty one days," Principal Merton informed me. "I can catch him up, just at least let him go to prom," I begged him.

"Heather, you were one of my favourite students during your time here, but I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done, he has to repeat senior year and he cannot purchase tickets to prom."

"What if I buy them?" I asked him. "You are not a student at this school anymore," he reminded me. "Okay what if someone else bought them and gave them to us?" I suggested. "I'm sorry Heather," he muttered.

"Sir, after all this time in Stars Hollow, I have never asked anything of you except for this, I'm asking you, not as a former student, but as a person who you respect, please?"

Principal Merton sighed. "You're very persistent."

"That's in my yearbook," I joked. "Most persistent senior."

"You must really love him if you're willing to do this for him," Principal Merton sighed. "Because you helped me, through something bad in freshman year, I will allow Jess Mariano into the prom but you will have to purchase the tickets," he told me.

I nodded. "And I can set up exams, if Jess gets over a B- on all of them, he can graduate, any lower, he'll have to repeat the year."

"Thank you," I muttered. "He's lucky to have you in his life," Principal Merton told me.

"Thank you," I gave him a small smile. I left the office and I gave Tessa a huge smile. "You did it? Holy crap!"

"I wore him down," I shrugged and smirked. "So there will be a prom?" she asked me. "Yeah, tickets?" I wondered where the stand was.

"I'll show you," Tessa mumbled. "How's the nose?"

"It'll match the dress," I joked. "It's a very faint purple," she told me. "Was it Dean or Jess?"

"Don't know, don't care," I told her, handing my money over for the tickets. "Two tickets to prom."

"You don't go here," the cheerleader snorted. "Neither does the crackhead you got to pay for your tickets," I snarked. She reluctantly handed them to me. "Preppy bitch."

I smirked before turning around to walk out. I found a page from my mom. "What did she say?"

"I can bunk off," I mumbled. "I'm feeling funny anyway, I might just go home."

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