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"Oh Richard!" Grandma complained. "We're starving!"

"I'm coming Emily!"

Grandpa brought out a dish of some sort of casserole according to Grandma. "Here we are," he said happily. "A treat for the masses."

He doled out the food in big heaps and sat down. "Okay, now we have good food, let's move on to good conversation, Rory? Heather? Anything new in your lives?"

"Me and Heather have big news," Rory smiled. "We got our acceptance letters back."

"Rory got into Harvard, Princeton and Yale, Heather got into Columbia, Princeton and Brown," Mom beamed.

"And I will be moving to New York," I told them. "Oh Heather, that's excellent news," Grandma smiled. "Congratulations," Grandpa said.

"I changed my mind," Rory said to them. "I'm not going to Harvard, I'm going to Yale."

However, no one spoke. "Yale!" Mom announced. "She really is going and everyone is over the moon!"

"I'm getting the champagne!" Grandpa announced. "And I'm calling the Talbots to gloat," Grandma smirked. "Our granddaughters are off to Columbia and Yale!"

They ran off and me and Rory started laughing. Grandpa hugged Rory tightly and Grandma hugged me tightly. "I'm calling Mariana immediately."


"You're taking advantage of the poor man," I said to Mom. It's her birthday this week and she usually ropes Luke into doing stuff around the house.

"Come on girls, take advantage," Mom smirked. "Bookshelf for my room," Rory smiled. "Fine, shelves for New York," I caved.

"I have never been prouder of my two babies than I am right at this moment," Mom smiled.

"Tell him to paint them white," I was roped in. "Like your movie collection ones?" Mom asked me. "Are you bringing every single movie?"

"Lookie here, we'll have a filmmaker and a lawyer living in the same apartment," Rory smiled. "Or FBI agent," I muttered.

"Okay, now birthday week, Monday, we start with facials at Sloopy's," Rory read off a list. "Double Feature Tuesday, Sapporo Wednesday, Complementary Makeover Thursday and then Big Fat Fabulous Friday."

"Yay!" Mom cheered.

Me and Rory were sorting out Mom's huge birthday cake, four foot chocolate, vanilla cupcakes spelling out 'Happy Sixteenth Lorelai' and a ton of frosting, the best bit.

"Houston, we have a problem," Tessa and Lane caught up to me and Rory after we left Weston's.

"The largest pizza in the world is one hundred and twenty two feet, eight inches," Lane informed us. "Then we will make it the biggest in Connecticut," I said. "Twelve footer is the max Pete will make," Tessa pointed out.

"We'll just lie," Rory mumbled. "Now music?"

"A song for every year in Lorelai's life but 1974 is not easy," Lane told us.

"Okay, you two are hiding the favours for us," I told them. "I got the movie," Jess told me as he left the video store. "What is it?" I wondered. "Almost Famous," he told me. "I can't help it, it's a good movie!"

"Fine but I'm ordering Indian," I compromised. "Then tomorrow I'll do Saturday Night Fever and Thai food."

"Aw!" Rory, Lane and Tessa cooed simultaneously. "I will murder the three of you," I grumbled. "Okay, this is the sign to go away," Rory laughed and the three of them left.

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