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I already made my choice to go to Columbia but Rory was having trouble choosing.

All of them had pros and cons, so did mine but Columbia was the one I worked for, I thought it would be a waste to go somewhere else.

Now me and Andrea are moving to New York and Tessa is going to Brown. She got the scholarship in the end, they loved her.

Luke gave me and Tessa awkward hugs once we came in the next morning. "Congratulations, both of you," he said. "Brown and Columbia."

We sat down at the counter as Luke poured us coffees. "So, Jess has good news but I doubt he's going to tell you," he told me. "He got employee of the month at Walmart."

"Aw, that's amazing," I smiled. "They've invited me to this ceremony and I was wondering if you might wanna tag along, Jess might be in a better mood if you're there," Luke offered. "I'd love to," I told him. "You'll be supporting him while Luke makes fun of him," Tessa laughed.

"Damn, she's seen through my cunning plan," Luke smirked.


Luke and I sat at the back and Jess had his arms folded and didn't notice us.

"Would like to say anything?" the manager asked him as he handed Jess his plaque. "Nope," he grumbled. "Our Jess ladies and gentlemen," the manager joked and the room broke into applause.

Once Jess saw Luke, he was not happy. "What are you doing here?"

"Aw, I'm so proud of my little boy," Luke teased him, pinching his cheek. "Get off," he grumbled. His eyes drifted to me and I gave him a small smile. "Congrats."

"I told you not to tell her," Jess sighed. "And I told you not to leave the toilet seat up, we're both unhappy," Luke said to him.

"Sorry he dragged you along," Jess said to me. "It's fine, he asked, I said yes," I told him. "I'm gonna get back to work," he said, glaring at Luke on the way out.

I went out the door with him and he chuckled a little. "I can't believe he told you."

"You really expected him not to, it's a great achievement, now we have two things to celebrate on our date," I pointed out. "But your thing is way more important," he told me and pecked me on the lips before leaving. Luke came out with a frown. "What's wrong?" I asked Luke.

"According to his manager..Jess is working here full time," he said. "That can't be right," I frowned.

"I don't mean to involve you in this," Luke sighed.

I skipped the Poe reading to email Andrea about the apartment and to work on my resumé. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I muttered.

"Lindsay totally hates me," Rory stated. "She glared at me all throughout the Poe reading!"

"Did she hug you at all in the past year?" I wondered. "No?" Rory muttered, confused. "Okay, she likes me better then," I said.

"Evil!" Rory exclaimed. "RORY! HEATHER!" Mom thundered up the stairs. "What's wrong?" we asked her in unison. "The inn!" she panicked. "There's a fire!"

We literally dropped everything, to be there for Mom, for Sookie and for Michel.

The inn had to be shut down for twenty four hours so the mess could be cleaned up.

Me and Rory took the kids to Miss Patty's and we did sock puppets...and very weird high pitch voices.

"But Franny," Rory whined in a very high pitched noise. "You can't do that to my sister, that's wrong, and as Super Rory, I must stop you!"

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