Nerxa's History

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In the beginning, there were two, Albumo and Nijestra. No one knows where they came from or how they were born, but they found each other on the planet Nerxa. Albumo was a strong and handsome, yet gentle and peaceful.

Albumo seeked for peace technological advancement. Nijestra was beautiful and soft yet swift and mystifying. Nijestra seeked for peace as well but in powerful majestic way.

When they met each other, they were opposites in their thinking, yet the love between them was strong. The differences between the two intrigued each other and soon enough they could not keep themselves away from each other. Together they built the foundation of powerful technologies. They would offspring many children and their children would offspring many children and for thousands of years the King, Queen and the descendants lived in a peaceful powerful technological world.

But as time went on, Nijestra grew greedy, she wanted to expand, she wanted more power and she wanted to begin conquering other planets, Star systems, Galaxies. Albumo wanted to expand as well, but felt as if they had enough power and the conquering of other planets was unethical. This would become a sour topic between the two and Nijestra would not let up on what she wanted. She remained physically beautiful but her kindness was lost. As more time went on she began distancing herself from her love until eventually they would meet eyes in rare occurrences. Albumo was hurt from this but he knew that if he sided with his love, that less powerful innocence would suffer, and he simply couldn't condone that. The bitterness would continue until one day Nijestra attempted to kill Albumo, The only one that was capable enough of stopping her.

Albumo was emotionally devastated over the betrayal of his significant other, but he knew that if Nijestra had her way, the universe would be in chaos. So the descendants became divided as some sided with Albumo while others sided with Nijestra. The two sides would name themselves after their leaders, giving birth to the Albumins and the Nijestrians and the long War of Nerxa would begin. Eventually the two sides gained control a big part of the planets and the two would form their own nations and cities. The two capital cities are Albumasis of the northwest and Nijestro of the southeast.

The war raged on, warriors dying left and right. Albumo and Nijestra would fight in elongated battles and the aftermath would leave that area in ruins. Albumo saw that there was no beating his former love, he knew that if there battle continued, their home would be completely destroyed. So in order to preserve the future of their home, Albumo would have to make a sacrifice. Albumo and Nijestra had a unique bonded energy, he knew that if he merged with the planet, Nijestra would do the same thing, a balance to their love. So Albumo did just that, and one final battle Albumo and Nijestra merged with the Nerxa, Giving their own unique power to each side of the planet.

The world was safe from their nuclear battles, but the war did not end there. The war waged on, new leaders came to power, the planet was well established. As time went on, old war hungry leaders died and new less blood thirsty people arose to power. The war continued but in more of a cold way, the people on each side kept to themselves and stayed away from each other. Things would stay this way, until one day, a lowly Albumin scientist would break that boundary... forever. That is the history, of the planet Nerxa.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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