Palm Readings

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A/N: This was written as a response for a prompt about a fortune teller falling in love with the person whose palm they have read and I decided to incorporate my OTP in it (well, of course I would because I'm a biased fucker). I apologize for any grammar mistakes, awkward mood shifts, or OCness I may have written in here. And thank you, my dear reader, for the read.

They say that no two human beings are alike. Physically, of course. Regardless of whether a person has a twin or a triplet or so on, humans just cannot exist as a perfect copy of another. Each one of them is a unique individual with marks and patterns that are not repeated on another person's body. These differences are commonly detected on someone's fingers, toes, or even on the palm of their hands.

"Hey, Kacchan! Kacchan!"

The sound of Bakugo Himiko's high-pitched voice broke the pregnant but serene silence that wrapped around their bedroom. It was a peacefully quiet night as the couple sprawled out their bodies on top of their king-sized bed. Nothing urgent was on their minds and that was why they were rewarded with this kind of tranquility.

"Let me read your palms," Himiko offered to her husband, her own palms outstretched in front of him. Her actions earned an inquisitive glance from Bakugo Katsuki, who at that moment was browsing through his smartphone and was already planning on retiring for the night. Himiko knew this, of course. But some moments could only happen at these kinds of times so she couldn't let this pass. Especially not after reading that social media article on how to fortune tell on your partner. No, of course not.

"Huh, since when the fuck did you learn how to do that?" Katsuki teased, a smirk crawling on his face. "You can't even predict what time our kids would be home each day." A small pout rested on Himiko's face as she changes how she was sitting in order to get closer to Katsuki.

"You don't have to believe in it, you big killjoy. It's just fun to think that 'maybe' you know a bit about your future," she pauses and swipes on the screen of her phone. "Look, it says here that because my 'life line' extends outside the boundary set by the 'basic line,' my physical body would always be strong." While explaining, Himiko traces two imaginary lines on her left palm, her expression filled with bewilderment.

Himiko's enthusiastic explanation was stopped by Katsuki chuckling at her behavior. And again, her pout found its way back to her face.

"That's because the general population has 'strong bodies,' you idiot. Whoever wrote those shitty predictions is obviously appealing to the masses thinking that, 'The probability of a sick person reading my article is low as hell.' What a fucking joke," and he laughs straight at his wife's face. The said wife could only tell herself, Wow, to think I was planning on entertaining him. Turns out I would be the entertainment for tonight.

"Maybe you're just scared that your palms would show your weaknesses and insecurities. And maybe you're curious too but you wouldn't like to hear a bad reading coming from me," Himiko retorted and at an instant, the smile on Katsuki's face faded. It was only fair. Himiko also knew how to push his buttons. "Maybe. Oh, just maybe," she singsonged while looking away from her husband. She then looks back at him and smiled when she saw a hint of annoyance on Katsuki's face.

"Okay so we're down to 'accidentally' stepping on my ego just so I'd ride on with your fucking wants?"

"What a horrible accusation that is, my dear Kacchan. Just why on Earth would you suggest I was doing that?"

If sarcasm leaked and tasted like honey, the two Bakugos would've had a lot of ants crawling on them. In their sixteen years of marriage, Himiko had learned all the ins and outs of her explosive partner and living with him was never at all stressing to her. Well, there were still some fights here and there but they always managed.

And at last, the familiar sigh of defeat was heard and Himiko felt her silent victory wash over her. Katsuki shoved his left hand just inches away from Himiko's face with a quick and flat, "Here, read it."

"Don't mind if I do."

The woman smiled before reaching out to examine her husband's outstretched palm. She was no expert on this. She just read the article five minutes ago so she was just as reliable as a phony old hag. But upon closer inspection, something caught her eyes and she exclaimed to Katsuki with a surprised expression,

"You have a masukake line!"

"... I'm sorry, a what the fuck now?"

"A masukake line," Himiko repeated, getting her phone to retrieve some information for herself.

"It's like this," she pointed to a picture on screen. "It's when your 'heart line' and your 'head line' are fused together to form one straight line across your palm. You have it, Kacchan. You have a masukake line!"

Himiko knew that from Katsuki's expression, she only looked crazier than usual. So she went on to talk about this strange line.

"A palm with the masukake line is said to be the mark of a conqueror. People who have this palm line supposedly demonstrate superior leadership skills and were born with great talents. They are very lucky from birth and will achieve huge success with their amazing capabilities," she explained and Katsuki's expression began to soften into awe. Even Himiko found it weird that what she just read was a hundred percent full-proof description of Katsuki. She then continued her reading.

"However, all good things come at a price. It is also said that people with this unusual trait are hard-headed, do not listen to other people's opinions, and tend to be clumsy in love matters..." Ohhh.

A short silence followed after she stopped reading that paragraph.

"You... just inserted that last bit, didn't you?"

"No way, why the hell would I do that??"

And Katsuki stared at her again, a small bit of irritation back on his face. He started rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay but I still can't believe how fucking accurate that damn article was. Gives me the creeps," he off-handedly comments and goes back to the same position he was in before Himiko had called his attention. He placed his pillow on top of his forehead and eyes and got ready to sleep again. "That's it for tonight. What I don't know won't hurt me so you go to sleep too, Himi. Before you get on some masukake shit again," he says, waving his hand dismissively.

At this, Himiko frowns a little. It was at these moments that Katsuki didn't seem like Katsuki for a bit. Himiko had learned that there are still some sides of him that he would rather not show in public and she respected that. Although what happened tonight was just a light joke between the two of them, she can't help but remember how Katsuki let his guard down at that moment she had read the article to him. He almost seemed like a little boy when his eyes were genuinely interested.

Aside from those, Himiko also couldn't help but feel guilty for reading the last two sentences. It was only a flicker of a moment that she saw in Katsuki's eyes that felt like he was let down with a criticism instead of being praised. That was the root of it all, she thought to herself. Of course they have talked about his childhood a lot of times enough for her to deduce that his personality now was the result of being praised often while he was growing up. And that they needed to fix it someday, somehow. But now is not the time, she argues. He needs his rest now.

"Hey, Kacchan."

A murmur came from under Katsuki's pillow as he tried to answer his wife's call.

"I love you just the way you are, Katsuki. So don't worry, okay?"

At first, no reply came from the person beside Himiko so she just assumed he was already asleep. But after a few seconds, she felt a strong arm draped on her shoulder, pulling her closer so she could be spooned.

Let's save the words for later, Kacchan. At last, she could now rest easy in the arms of her beloved.

Palm ReadingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora