Chapter 1

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Ivar, head of the guards, was waiting by the barn as Anette got back from the morning ride. He was panting as if he had been running and his eyes had a look she had never seen before, something between terror and pity.

"Anette," he breathed and the tone of his voice alone told her he was bringing her bad news. "Princess, I am so sorry."

"What is going on?" She asked as she dismounted her horse. Her heart was pounding hard as she waited for the guard to speak. She could see him hesitating which only made her worry more. "Tell me, Ivar, whatever it is," she urged him.

"The King and the Queen," he paused, swallowing. "I am sorry, but they are dead."

For a moment nothing happened, Anette simply stared at Ivar, her mind empty of all thoughts. And then the realization of what he had just told her hit her. Suddenly, there was not enough air for Anette to bread. Anette choked on the pain that threatened to swallow her entirely. She reached her hand toward Ivar in need to catch on to something. He accepted her trembling hand. "What...what happened?" she managed to ask, her hazel eyes watered with tears.

"There was an attack at the Inn they were staying in," Ivar explained. "Robbers came in. They took everything of any monetary value and then killed all the witnesses."

A feeble cry escaped Anette's mouth as she stumbled. If she weren't holding onto Ivar she would have fallen on the ground.

"Are you feeling sick princess?" he asked, his voice fool of concern. "Should I call someone to carry you to the castle?"

She felt dizzy and out of breath. "Yes, I am feeling a little sick," she admitted. "But don't all anyone. I want you to help me get to the castle."

With Ivar's help she reached her chambers. They were high up, on the last floor, right next to where one of four towers begin. When he helped her sit on the bed and then he called for her maid to help Anette change.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" he offered.

Anette shook her head. "No," she murmured. "I just wish to be alone." Ivar nodded in understanding before he left her room.

Anette stared at her wall, painted in light yellow colour. It was her mother's favourite and she painted it like this for Anette even before she was born.

She had no idea for how long she'd been sitting in her room, motionless until someone came. "I am deeply sorry, princess," her maid spoke once she entered the room. Her usually cheerful face was full of sorrow. Her dark eyes full of tears and as she spoke her voice trembled a little.

"Thank you, Carina" Anette answered, her voice was barely a whisper. She let the young maid dress her into dark dress and brush her ash blonde hair before pulling it back into a braid. She did all of that quickly and in silence yet Anette couldn't wait for her to finally leave.

Once she was again alone Anette got up from the bed and walked over to the balcony door. She opened it and fresh air came into the room. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. That was when reality hit her. Falling to her knees young princess let the tears and the pain burst out of her and a painful moan escaped her mouth. She had no thoughts in her head, only pain and sadness. For hours she sat on the floor in front of her window unable to stop crying. If there wasn't for a knock on her door, she would've stayed like that until the night fell.

"Princess..." a soft voice came from the other side of the door. "May I came in?" It asked gently.

Anette didn't answer immediately. Taking a few deep breath she calmed down and then wiped the tears from her face. She knew she looked terrible, her eyes were all red from crying and her long hair was a mess but she didn't particularly care at the moment. Right now she was not just a princess but a young girl who'd lost her family. She had the right to look human.

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