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All right, hear me out! 

I have rewatched the Avatar series. I've also been seeing Avatar related things popping up more frequently so your girl had to do something. Zuko has a pretty good character arc and I wanted to write something based on Avatar we go!

Also, for this story, I'm bumping the ages a bit. So Aang is not 12, he's 14. Zuko is not 16, he's 18. So on and so forth! My character Saiyuri will be 17/18 years of age starting off.

This story will have mature content in terms of violence and romance so please be weary of that!

Without further ado...


"Have you heard?"

"Did you know?!"

"The poor child."

"He was out of his place!"

"The Fire Lord?"


     I didn't hear those whispers. I didn't hear of the rumors from the palace. I was just barely 15 and oblivious to it all, lost in the world I had grown up in. My father, a retired general of the Fire Nation, had come home that day with a grim expression on his face. I remember sitting next to mother when he came in, helping her prepare food for dinner. He was always a happy, light hearted man; but that day, his happiness was his mask.

     "What's the matter, dad," I asked, as he came within hearing distance. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts, a smile replace the firm line his lips had made.

    "Nothing my, Saiyuri. How was your training," he asked. I wasn't convinced but I let it go.

     "It went well," I stated, "The masters at the academy say that I'm far more advanced in my training than they expected me to be!"

     Mother pitched in, "She's been training with the lightning techniques for two weeks, dear. Today she was able to produce it."

     Father's eyes widen as his smile grew, "Truly?! Why, i don't think that even the children of the royal family are capable of that," i smiled, "I'm proud of you, my dear." I jumped up to help ease him down to sit with us. My father had been a famous warrior in years past, he had quickly advanced in the ranks before being victim to a serious injury. Mother said it took months for him to walk again; but mother also said it took years for him to cope with the damage he had done to others.

     "What shall I help prepare," he asked, "I can't leave you two to do all the work, you know."


     A few hours had passed, the sun finding its way lower into the sky. The food had been washed and prepared, now cooking for the evening's dinner. Father sat and watched as I began to practice the techniques, showing him what the masters had instructed.

     "Remaining fluid is essential for lightning," he stated, "Have the masters ever told you of the Storm Warriors?"

     I shook my head, pausing just a moment, "No," I answered, "Who are they?"

     Father smiled as I continued.

     "Very powerful firebenders from hundreds of years ago, "he stated, "Firebenders who sought out the true source of their powers, disciplined enough to not only create and move lightning as you are now; but were able to summon it from the skies above. They were even said to be able to hold lightning with their hands! Stories say that their eyes glowed the light of the lightning they held, surronding them as if they themselves were one with it."

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