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"Master welcome home" the main house maid greeted him when he came from his business trip. Josh,His right hand man was next to him listing out his reports of the business. Josh wasn't just a second in command. He was Damiens closest friend. They both were from orphans from different foster homes, they both went to the same school. Josh was there when Damien looked after Rose. Even though Damien was exclusively asked from the previous mob boss to join his gang, Josh wasn't asked. He joined through Damien. it was his own choice obviously.

Damien didn't want him to. Damien wanted Josh and Rosalie to both jave a better life. Even if he has to get his hands dirty.

The day Josh relaized Damiens intentions he fought with Damien and fiercely joined the gang though another low member. Damien being furious with Josh tried to get him out the gang. He thought he had a chance sinve he personally knew Cassio Bugartíe, the mob boss. He still remembers the conversation he had with the mob boss.

Flash back

"Damien! My boy." Cassio exclaimed and gave his hand for Damien to kiss. It was compulsory, it is tradition to pay respect to the mob boss that way. "How are things with the packages"

"Its going on well. I removed the wall that stood In our way" when Damien said wall, he meant the members of the other gang who has been causing trouble.

Cassio laughed. Only Damien could pull out an operation like that. Even though he was only 15 he did things exactly like Cassio wanted, how a trained member would run operations.

" good good im proud of you my boy" Cassio poured himself a drink and leaned back to his chair. "I shall pay you good for this. Don't worry." Cassio laughed out loud and even bought Rosalie into the conversation. He likes the fact he could rouse the cold hearted emotionless Damien up only by mentioning a weak girls name, " you can buy some sweets for that sweetheart of yours now huh" Cassio roused Damien laughing.

Damien even though angry tried to keep a straight face and continued.

" yes I guess so. " was all he could reply. He wanted to bash Cassio's head on the table and maybe torture him. But he couldn't. At that point Cassio knew his weakness and was more stronger than him. So he kept all the anger in.

"Actually I have a favor to ask you" Damien looked down and stated. He hated asked anyone favors. It would mean that he owed them back and he hated to owe anyone.

At this Cassio was genuinely shocked. Damien never had asked him any favors.

"Oh" Cassio sounded calm. "What is it my boy"

"The boy Joshua. He joined recently. Can you kick him out, his only a low member, his useless anyway so it wont cost much"

"Why should I? He is just a low member true but he is not useless" Cassio stood up and faced the window. " Why? Does he mean something to you? Has he upset you, if so my boy you can punish him, kill him for all I care. No one gets to walk away from this business once their in it. Death is the only way out, don't forget that my boy"

Damien was furious. He knew Cassio was not just saying this for Josh. He was also warning Damien. Cassio has a great liking for Damien because of Damien's work. So Cassio would keep him as till Damien dies. At least that was the plan.

" if you want to punish or kill him..." Cassio turned to face Damien and saw Damien's blank face. "Or I could do it for you?"

"Thank you... but I think ill deal with him..."

Cassio laughed out loud and sat on his chair. Cassio didn't know that Josh was tryint to protect him. He didn't know that Damien cared for another other than Rosalie. Even if it only mean a little. He didn't think it was possible. And Damien kept it that way. He didn't want Cassio to know. If he did know he would surely threaten Damien using Rosalie and Josh. Then Damien would still choose Rosalie without a thinking but he would uncomfortable knowing the one person his own age was threatened. Still he didn't want to be put into those shoes. He still cared for josh.

So he ignored Josh after that. He decided to cut all contact. Even if they worked in the same gang. He would protect Josh in the shadows.

In the end when Damien had to over throw Cassio, it was Josh who teamed up and backed up him up. After that Damien gave Josh a chance to leave. Josh didn't though. He was too far in the life and too far gone cuz he too had done shit to at least come close to Damien's level. He too wanted to protect Damien and Damien's Rose. Cuz in his mind they were the family he never had.

End of flash back.

They entered the house and like the trained assassins they were, they realized something was off. The entire staff was acting weird. All the house guards was stiff. They were all acting strange. But they didn't start talking about till they entered his office.

"There is something up" ill go check it up Damien stood up but Josh stopped him.

"I'll check it up. Why don't you check on her. She must be hurt" Josh suggested.

"Its late in the night I don't think she would even be awake. I'll come with you. " Damien didn't want to see her. After missing Rosalie's birthday yesterday he felt bad. He didn't usually feel any emotions. And feeling emotions made him feel uncomfortable. Something he wasn't used to.

"Damien I'm sorry if I'm out of line but please, she only has you. Besides if you come with me they might not react well"

Thinking about it Damien said

"Fine but if something is wrong... find out what that is. I don't care if you have to kill somebody just get the job done, you know what to do"

Josh nodded and said, "yes boss" and left Damien followed after him and went to see his rose.

While going there he saw from a distance some of the maids and guards panicking close to Rosalie's room. They were arguing to a point they didn't even realize he was in a distance. So he paused behind the wall.

"We must tell the master. She might have been kidnapped!" The maid claimed

" she can't be kidnapped. No one came in. We didn't see anything. Brandon saw her sneaking out" the guard was furious.

"We are dead man!" The other guard cried.

"If we tell him he would understand!" The maid claimed.

"His going to kill us" one guard cried falling to the ground after that they all started panicking.

"Or we could wait till she comes back!"
"I'll try her number"
"she's not picking up"
"her phone is in her room"
"Now you tell me this!" "I-"

"Rose sneaked out?" Damien spoke up shocked with the situation. Damiens voice silenced everyone and they looked back, facing a raging Damien.

"Master!" The two maids cried out.
"Boss!" The 3 guards stood straight.

Damien walked in front of Rosalies room and opened the doors to her room and walked in. He looked in the bathroom and the closet. Like they said she was gone. Her closet was which was usually clean was a bit messy. Specially the party section.

"Idiots! You all ha-"

"Damien! We have a situation!" Josh ran towards them filled with panic.

"I know Rose sneaked out!" Damien shouted.

" What! No. Wait what!" Josh was more shocked now. "Shit Damien. This ?makes the situation worse"

"What! What's the situation" Damien was now emotionless. He was calm.

"Its Jacqui. He has declared war with us. I found some traitors they spilled. They said something about carrying an operation today night at NOVA"

NOVA was One of Damiens clubs. Jacqui was rival mob of Damiens. Jacqui was more friends with Cassio and ever since Damien overthrew him Jacqui hated Damien.

"Said something about ruining you like you ruined Cassio. "

Damien thought about this. The only way anyone could hurt Damien was if they touched...

All of a sudden panic filled damien

"We need to find Rose!"

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