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I live within these four walls
Lights strung around the ceiling, lamp in the corner
Blinds shut, curtains closed.
Mattress covered with blankets and blankets and blankets

My happy place,
It keeps me warm
It keeps me safe

Bookshelf filled to the brim, spilling over
Mixed with the old loves, new flings, and strangers  yet to touch
Faint sound of music floating through the room, soft and sweet
Photos and paintings hang on the wall, each with their own story

Some visit,
Drop by, say a few words
Come and go, sometimes it feels in the same instant
They try to pull me away, bring me outside of these four walls
I don't budge- and after a while they stopped trying

Sometimes I wish I could break away
From these four walls

Sometimes I flips through the pages of my stacks and stacks of books, and see the characters come to life before me, greeting me
Sometimes it sounds like a concert, the artist in the corner of my room, playing just for me
Sometimes l look at the pictures on my wall, and I'm inside the picture again, living in that moment, the sights, the sounds, the taste, the smell of it all

My happy place,
It keeps me warm
It keeps me safe

When I do step away from this happy place, out in the world, there is so much life happening around me
The sights the sounds the tastes the smells, there are so many my senses are consumed by them

All around me,
But I'm not living in it
Merely, watching it happen

Sometimes it feels like I'm living in a fishbowl, circling around and around and around
Watching the world around me in perfect clarity, behind the glass

Just like the four walls of my room
They close me in
Keep me from the world out there

My skin pale and cold, no light from the sun seeps through
Suffocated my endless fabric, deafening me

I am trapped, the door locked from the outside
The glass untapped and unbroken

I want out, I want out, I want out

I want to feel the touch of life,
I want to feel the sun on my skin,
I want to see the world in color,
I want to climb, I want to hike,
I want to run, I want to fly,
I want to feel love, I want to feel joy,
I want to see the places from my books,
I want to see the music once floating in my room right in front of me
I want to live, I want to play
I don't want to watch

But what if life
Wants no part of me?
What if I am scorched by the sun?
What if I fall?
What if I am lost, no on there to find me?
What if I am left with hate, and sorrow?
What if the places in my books are not the way they are described?
What if the music I craved deafens me?
What if I am not strong enough to live?

I want my four walls, to save me, protect me

My happy place,
It keeps me safe
It keeps me warm

What am I, if I only live in these four walls?
What am I,
without love, without hate
Without mistakes

There is not life to be lived confined by these four walls, by the glass of a fishbowl

Little by little
I'll open the windows, turn off the tights
I'll tap the glass, until it breaks away

Little by little, I will learn to live
I will learn to love, I will learn to hate
I will learn to get up when I fall, I will find my when when I get lost

I will learn to live despite my fear

I will never forget these four walls,
They will always accept me back, when I do fall, when I do get lost

But then I will get up,
And walk out again,
Feel the sun on my skin, and remember not to get burnt

I will live and I will learn,
But I will never lose my happy place
It keeps me safe
It keeps me warm

It will come with me wherever I go,
It will forever be in my heart, and I will find it in others too

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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