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A/N: hiii!!! it's been awhile since i've posted anything on here, but here i am with a brand new series! i posted this on tumblr first because i've kinda just moved on there. i'm planning on publishing some more on here though because i have a lot of time on my hands with this whole quarantine lol. if you have any suggestions on how i should move the story along, don't hesitate to shoot me a message! <3

Warnings: angst and some tears (smut in the future)

Alex and my older brother, Thomas, were basically inseparable for most of their lives. Living hardly a 30-second walk from each other, it was inevitable that they would become friends at a young age. Then I came along, weaseling my way into all of their activities and forcing them to include me. They learned to accept the fact that if they were going to be doing something together, I would be tagging along; but I don't think either of them minded as much as they led on and because of the tight bond the three of us held, he honestly became a part of the family. Mother loved him (mostly because he loved anything she cooked) and even when Thomas had moved out and gotten engaged, Alex still sauntered around my kitchen without a care in the world, making himself feel truly at home.

His own mother had passed years ago and his father left when he was a baby, so we were his only family. He took it so hard when his mother died, she'd been ill for months and only seemed to get worse and worse, but Alex never once broke down while she was still alive. He stayed strong for her when she wasn't able to. But after she died, Alex wasn't able to hold it together anymore. Almost a week after her death he came to me, sobbing, and asked me if I would just hold him, so I did. I held him for hours. That was also the day I realized my true feelings for him. I loved him. I loved him as more than just my best friend. I loved him as more than the son he'd become to my family. He was the only one for me and there was nothing I wouldn't do for him.


The war happened so suddenly. Nothing was the same after it began. Alex and Thomas were both drafted and had strict orders to report within three days. Three days for him to say goodbye.

The day before Alex left, he took me out for a picnic. Our usual picnic spot was a large, grassy hill. On one side, the hill spilled out into a forest that stretched for miles, and on the other was our small town, the one we had both grown up in our entire lives. I began to set up, unfolding the large quilt (made by mother, of course) and spread it out across the damp grass. Alex stood a few feet away, hands in the pockets of his slacks, his broad shoulders facing my direction. He wore neat, brown slacks and a baby blue sweater that he'd tugged over a crisp, white button up. His chocolate curls were combed back onto his head, one small curl escaping the rest and falling carefully onto his forehead. If I didn't know him and saw him on the street I'd probably swoon and giggle over him like every other girl in our town. He was the definition of dreamy, but he never took any interest in any girls. I always found it strange, though, considering his age. Most men his age had already found themselves engaged or married, but he never so much as glanced at any girl.

I felt him watching me as I placed things onto the blanket and situated myself onto it. I plucked a large strawberry from one of the containers and took a bit out of it as I leaned back on my elbows. Alex made his way over to the blanket, plopping himself right across from me.

"Haven't been out here in ages," I chuckled, attempting to break the tension.

He hummed and nodded in agreement.

"Think it's been well over 3 months since we've had one of these picnics,"

I nodded, silently agreeing with him as I turned to busy myself with the basket of food my mother had prepared for us.

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