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"Here's your dead cow," Luke put a burger in front of me. "With a side of dead pig."

"Aren't you cheery this evening?" Jess laughed. Luke rolled his eyes and walked away.

Jess tried to steal some of my fries and I slapped his hand away. "Oi, share," he stole my fries.

I rolled my eyes and pouted.

"What are you thinking about?" Jess asked me, once he noticed I was quiet. "Well, I can't think of a movie I haven't seen."

"Come on, there has to be one," he said. "There isn't, I've seen them all," I sighed.

"Okay, challenge, by the end of this week, the two of us are gonna find a movie that you haven't seen," Jess suggested.

"You'd have a better chance of marrying the Queen of England but okay," I agreed.


"So you and Jess are trying to find a movie you haven't watched?" Rory asked me.

"Yep," I was looking on the Internet for movie titles. "Good luck with that," Rory laughed.

"This is so annoying!" I exclaimed. "Fresh air...go get," Rory ushered me out.

I sighed and I walked out of the house and I headed for Tessa's. I knocked on the door and an irate Mr Sinclair opened the door. "Is Tessa in?"

"She's upstairs," he let me in and I went into Tessa's room where she was listening to music and doing her homework. I tapped her shoulder and she leapt out of her skin. "Jesus!" she yelped.

"Sorry what's up?"

"I'm looking for something," I told her. "Food? Coffee?" she asked.

"A movie that I've never seen before," I mumbled. Tessa yanked her headphones off and leapt into action. "But...oh sweetie, we've got a lot of work to do," Tessa pulled on her beanie and we went outside.

"I mean, there isn't a movie that we haven't seen, let's go to the video store," Tessa suggested as we walked down the road.

"I've looked, there isn't one," I mumbled. "Well that's bull, there has to be," Tessa said.

We walked in and scanned the shelves. "Goodfellas?"

"Seen it."

"The Shining?"

"Four times."

"Geez," Tessa muttered. "What about Carrie?"

"Seen it," I said.

"What about..uh..Pet..Sematary? Did they spell it wrong on purpose?"

"I read a bit of the book but I never saw the....HAHA!" I cheered. "So you don't know what happens?" Tessa raised her eyebrow. "I only got to the bit where the cat died."

I bought it and I had my victorious smirk on my face. "So is your ex boyfriend dating that Chilton girl?" Tessa asked me.

"Not dating, but they talk on the phone constantly and I'm their messenger," I explained. "That must be great," Tessa murmured. "I gave them my blessing, me and Dave broke up two years ago, anyway, I have Jess, there's nothing to worry about."

"Until they sleep toget....OW!"

"They're my friends, I don't have a problem," I told her. I actually didn't, people just think I do.


"You dissed Metallica?!" I asked in shock. "I'm just not into them," Andrea put her hands up in surrender.

"I'm still mad," Dave muttered. "Hey, I said I was sorry," Andrea rolled her eyes. "I'll leave you guys to it," I laughed, strolling into Luke's. "Grumpy is upstairs," he grumbled.

"Gracias," I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. "Password?"

"Hemingway sucks," I muttered. Jess opened the door and smirked. "Even though I disagree, I still opened the door."

I put my bag down and I kissed him. "Rough day?"


He looped his arm around my waist and we made our way over to his side of the room, still kissing.

I fell backwards onto the bed and I started laughing. "Graceful," Jess joked. I pulled him down towards me and kissed him again.

I don't know how much time went past, maybe five or ten minutes. I heard voices coming up. Not just Luke, but my mom!

"Shit," I panicked. "Is that your mom?" Jess got off me and I ran to the closet. "Is that necessary?"

"If she sees the hickeys, we're both dead," I pointed out and closed the closet door over just as the door to the apartment was opening.

I heard Mom and Luke talking as I peeked through the opening. "Can we go now?" I heard Luke complain. "Yeah, Heather, I want you home by seven, okay?"

"Okay," I murmured. "Jess, why are you keeping her in the closet?" Luke asked him as Mom pushed him out. I opened the door and I started laughing. "She knows me so well."

"Well your bag gave it away," he said pointing at the turquoise bag. "Sorry, I panicked," I murmured. "It's okay, the hickey was showing anyway," he laughed.

I let out a squeak of embarrassment. "I'm gonna kill you."

"We'll see," he smiled. "I found a movie," I told him. "Really?" he raised his eyebrow. "Pet Sematary," I told him. "Alright, Saturday night we watch it," Jess suggested. "You're on," I smirked.

Jess looked out the window and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "Heath, you've gotta see this."

I walked over to him to see a verbal war. All the Stars Hollow moms versus my mom.

"You have no right to judge me!" I heard Mom snap. "You're acting like I was handing out free condoms and birth control pills!"

"Okay," I grimaced, walking away from the window. Luke walked into the apartment and I tried to cover the hickey with my hand. "What's going on there?" Jess asked him as I pulled my blazer over it. "Just Lorelai dealing with some women," he said.

He stared at Jess and me. "So, you shoved her into the closet?"

"I went in, out of my own volition," I said. "I panicked so I ran in."

"Okay we all need to talk about this relationship thing," Luke said, sitting down. "I know dating is on your minds a lot, that you can't think straight with all the hormones...Heather what is that?"

"What is what?"

"On your neck?" Luke glared at Jess. "I fell down the stairs," I fibbed. "You guys aren't...you know..." Luke wondered.

"No!" Jess exclaimed. "It's just making out, geez."

"Well you two are at that age that you want to do that kind of stuff," Luke muttered. "My God," Jess sighed. "I think we're getting the talk."

I felt my cheeks getting hot and turning red. "If you're giving me the sex talk, please don't do it while she's here," Jess sighed. "I don't want to be seeing that kind of stuff," Luke gestured at my neck. "And if Lorelai sees that, she'll castrate you and kill you, doesn't matter which order."

"I can cover it up, I have make up," I murmured.  "Ground rules have to be established sooner or later," Luke stated. "I'll call you later," Jess said.

I nodded and dashed out the door. "Heya," Andrea and Dave walked by. "Wanna be the awkward third wheel?" Dave asked me. "What you guys doing?" I asked them. "Al's, introducing Andrea to it before band practice," Dave told me. "Is Jess coming?"

"He's getting an earful," I told him. "So Al's."

"I need to hear some of those dating stories," Andrea laughed. "Oh no!" me and Dave protested as the three of us walked off. I sent Jess a page just in case he was free.

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