Cyborgs and Killers

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There was a blinding darkness follows by an equally blinding brightness. Morning. I shifted my gaze to the light glow of my alarm on the other side of the room. It was only half past the morning. It was moving day. My entire life was packed into seven boxes. Seventeen years in seven boxes, and two of those boxes were all records and my record player. Five boxes remained for the rest of my life.
I stood up and walked over to the small pile of clothes gathered neatly on the floor into a square, for once actually folded and set out the night before. Pants, sweater, scarf, company sweatshirt, slip on shoes, plane ticket and passport. My dad got a huge offer in the London firm of Lawson and Bourke, so off we go. I was excited to go, but I'd rather finish out high school in my home town.
"Morning sweetheart." My father said smiling too brightly for this early in the morning
"Hey dad." I replied giving him a small wave and taking the coffee he had made me.
"You look pretty awake." He laughed
"Not all of us can get up at four am on a regular basis." I replied laughing a bit
"Finish up, we leave in twenty." He smiled
"Yes captain!" I laughed more awake. I walked into the bathroom and quickly did my make so at least I looked presentable to the world, instead of half asleep.

Three hours later we were in London. I was shocked naturally, people and aliens from every race and planet known was here.
"Hey dad, I'm gunna go check out the Academy." I said gaining a small wave and a 'be careful' from him. I graduated from the Starfleet Academy two years ago but was never assigned to a ship since my physical didn't clear because of my vision.
"Excuse me," I asked seeing a man in a black uniform, "Can you direct me to Officer Kirk?" I asked
"You move or scream, I will kill you." He growled wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me against his chest pushing a phaser against my head.
"U-understood." I said shakily doing everything I could not to scream. "What do you want?" I asked hoping I could reason with him despite my lack of knowledge in negotiations.
"Shut up child." He growled again
"Right...I'm Lisl by the way." I had no clue what I was doing other than buying myself some time as a crowd gathered around us, terrified whispers becoming louder.
"You're name means nothing, you are a pawn."
"Are you Klingon?" I asked thinking of ways to get out of this, "Or do you just hate Starfleet?"
"Shut up." He growled as I tried to figure out how to get away alive
I took a deep breath and quickly jabbed the man in the ribs forcing him to let go then I quickly kicked him in the chest forcing him back and started running towards the Academy building. People screamed as there was a shot, and I knew it hit me but I couldn't feel it. I pushed open the doors and as soon as I was out of sight, I dropped to the ground.
"Miss!!!" A man yelled running over to me. "What happened??" He demanded looking around
"There was a man..." I groaned standing up much to the mans dismay, "black uniform...he grabbed me then I got away, but he shot me." I explained looking for him, or some sign he was there, but there was nothing.
"You!!" A southern voice yelled, "Sit the hell down before you collapse and injure yourself more!!" He yelled running over to us
I sat down leaning against a pillar feeling a bit woozy. "I'm fine, I just need stitches." I sighed
"This is not the way I wanted us to meet up again Lisl." I looked at the man and instantly recognised him.
"Well last time you denied me a position on Starfleet..." I groaned remembering him
"You're eyes...." He said looking at me
"Went blind for a while, got them fixed." I sighed. For about a year, due to an accident, I was blind. To fix them, I went through an experiment procedure to replace my organic eyes, with biotic ones.
"So you're a cyborg now?" He asked
"Yeah." I replied, "eyes and left arm. Now can you please help me?!" I asked feeling the pain from the wound and burn. It wasn't bleeding but it hurt like hell.
"Let's go." He replied picking me up and quickly walked me to what I assumed was a medical bay. "Is your father here?"
"In the building?" I asked, "no, but he is on the planet." I laughed
"We'll find him later." Doctor McCoy replied as he began to stitch me up, "what happened that warrants becoming a cyborg?"
"My dad's car blew up with me in it." I replied, "people don't really like him remember?"
"Are you alright now?" McCoy asked sadly
"Yes Doctor, really." I replied waiting for the stitches to be done, "How's Kirk?" I asked hopeful I would be able to see him.
"He'll be over later...Spock is bringing him for his physical." McCoy laughed
"When I'm healed, can I retake my physical test?" I asked hopeful
"Sure kiddo." McCoy laughed
"Don't call me kiddo, I'm nineteen." I sighed as he finished up the stitches.
"You're all done, here's something for the pain." He gave me a quick shot and I felt fine, but I had no idea how long it lasted for.
"Thanks." I smiled, "Now, where's Kirk?" I asked standing up excited to see my old friend, and classmate.
"I'll take you to him." McCoy replied shaking his head a bit at my excitement to see Kirk
"Thanks McCoy." I laughed as we walked out of the room, "oh wait, do you have a shirt I can wear? I'd rather not be walking around in this." I said referencing my bloody shirt
"Oh right here." He replied handing me a yellow shirt, a yellow Starfleet shirt specifically. "I'll be outside."
"Thanks." As soon as he left I pulled on my shirt, pulled my jacket on over it and grabbed my bag before leaving.
"Stick with me okay?" He asked, "you have basic training, but the Academy got harder so if you get shoved into a ship, you could get killed easily."
"Oh jeez thanks for the confidence." I sighed following behind him towards the docking bay to find Kirk.
"I have full faith in you Lisl, that doesn't mean what I said isn't true. After Khan attacked, training has become significantly more rigorous and less people are passing." McCoy explained
"What are you trying to do? Scare the academy student?" A man in a yellow shirt asked.
"I'm not a student." I replied pushing up my sleeves revealing the one normal arm, and the other robotic arm. "I graduated two years ago."
"Really?" He asked, "and you're just assigned to the Enterprise now?"
"No..." I said looking down, "I'm not an officer of any sort." I sighed
"She got hurt before she was assigned." McCoy cut in putting his hand on my shoulder, "Otherwise she would have been assigned to a ship two years ago."
"Is that you Lisl?!" I turned around and saw Kirk standing in the captains uniform smiling like an idiot
"It's me," I laughed walking over to him, "nice to see you again!" I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back
"What's up with your arm?!" He asked holding it up looking at it, "Scotty would get a kick out of this!" He laughed
"Accident, long story short, I'm a cyborg." I laughed as we walked over towards the Enterprise, "Is this yours?!" I asked putting two and two together
"Yeah, amazing right? Did it in three years." He bragged
"I was there for those three years, remember?" I asked sighing
"Oh right." He replied looking down, "Wait are you assigned to the ship!?" He asked looking at my shirt
"What? Oh no, my other shirt was covered in blood." I replied and Kirk oddly enough didn't ask questions.
"EVERYONE TO YOUR STATIONS!!" A voice boomed over the speakers and everyone began to panic in a strangely organised fashion. I got knocked around because I didn't know what was going on until someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into the Enterprise
"Wait! No this isn't right!" I yelled pulling away from the man who was a lot taller than I was, "let go of me!"
"Spock!" The doors closed and locked behind us from the outside and I banged against them anyways as Kirk ran over to where I was standing
"Yes captain?" The man named Spock asked
"SHES NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE SHIP!!" Kirk yelled as I slid down the wall scared
"Oh my god....this was not supposed to happen..." I muttered my head in my hands
"Is she not a member of Starfleet?" The Vulcan asked and I stood back up
"You idiot!! You didn't think to ask that before you pulled me onto this ship?!! What kind of Vulcan are you?!" I yelled ready to punch the alien. It was too late to do anything but I was still angry and terrified
"Please explain to me how I was supposed to know you are only a civilian." He said boredly
"BY NOT ASSUMING IM SUPPOSED TO BR GOING TO FUCKING SPACE!!" I screamed punching the Vulcan as hard as I could only resulting in being pulled away from him by Kirk
"Lisl, calm down, we'll get you back to Earth as soon as possible, everything will be fine." Kirk said trying to calm me down, "I'll have Bones tell you everything you need to know to keep safe okay?" I was slowly calming down
"Alright...sorry sir." I said looking at the Vulcan, "that was uncalled for...I hope I didn't break anything." I apologised
"You did not break anything, and I claim full responsibility for the mistake miss." He replied and I quickly walked off. I've had experience with Vulcans before, and it never ended well for me.
"Lisl?!!?" McCoy yelled seeing me, "what the hell?"
"I accidentally got pulled onto the ship..." I sighed clenching and unclenching my fist to make sure it wasn't broken.
"Who'd you punch?" He asked slightly disappointed in me.
"The Vulcan... He's the reason I'm here." I sighed
"Fucking hobgoblin..." He growled, "I'm gunna have a word with him."
"To be fair, I am wearing a uniform. He couldn't exactly tell I wasn't supposed to be here." I sighed not exactly defending the Vulcan
"'re stuck here till we get to the next Starfleet base." Doctor McCoy sighed, "let's hope nothing goes to horribly wrong."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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