Chapter 6

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I lean my head against the window and let out a gust of annoyed air. My parents are in the front seat, arguing about the topic of Mr. Chrissand's sermon tonight. Apparently, even if a man of God says something, they still won't believe it. God damn, I can't stand how bigoted they are. I roll my eyes and put my earbuds in, cranking Rise Against full blast into my ears. My mom turns around and bats my knee to get my attention.

"Hon, what are your views on homosexuality?" she smiles sweetly at me, probably hoping I'll say something negative. I pop my jaws and fiddle with my earbuds. I'm not exactly sure how to reply to this... say something negative and have my parents happy, or say something positive and have them question me. I clench my teeth and ask her to repeat her question, hoping she'll take this as a hint that I really don't want to answer. Instead, she repeats herself and smiles, expecting my answer.

"I-I really don't see much problem with it," I murmur while clearing my throat, "If they're happy, why mess with it?" I smile sheepishly and look at my mother, hoping she accepts this answer. She doesn't look happy. Her too sweet smile has turned into a scowl; disgust is splayed across her face. Shit. I've fucked up.

"How can you support them?!" she screams, throwing her purse down into the floorboard, "They're disgusting perverts who want nothing but to destroy society!" My dad nods solemnly in agreement. Fire flames in her eyes as she shoots a look at me. "You're not one of them are you?" My breath hitches in my throat and my mind shuts down. What do I say? What do I do? She slaps my knee and shouts "Answer me!!!" I feel like I'm going to cry. Do I lie or tell the truth? I slowly nod and drop my head into my hands. The car screeches to a halt.

My mom whips around and slaps me hard, the diamond on her wedding ring cutting my face. My hand automatically reaches for my injury, and I feel a slight dribble of blood. She tells my dad to hit the gas and we speed towards home. This is horrible, absolutely horrible. Now I'm going to be treated as a freak, not only at school, but in my own home as well.

We whip into the driveway and my dad shuts off the car. They both sit in the front seat fuming, obviously wondering what to do with the abomination in the backseat. I hold back a sniffle as I try my best to become invisible. To blend into the cloth seat. I fail.

"Get out of the fucking car," my dad growls as he gets out and slams the door so loud it rattles my bones. I slink out and close my door timidly. I stand slightly behind my parents as my dad rushes to unlock the door and my mom glares at me. A hot tear escapes my eye and I quickly brush it away. Sadly, my mom saw that weakness and looks so pleased with herself. Fucking bitch.

My parents stand on either side of the door and motion for me to go in. I'm barely inside when my dad shoves me onto the floor. I cry out in pain and instinctively cover my head as his fists rain down on me. My glasses shatter and I have to move to keep from getting cuts as well as bruises.

Its been a few minutes. Maybe he'll get tired soon. Everything is starting to look cloudy and black. I'm very very tired...

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