Chapter 1

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In 1959, Claire and her mother were at SHIELD, when there was an explosion. Claire was grabbed by someone and when she woke up, she didn't know where she was.

53 years later, Claire was sleeping in a 1950s style hospital room. She woke up and heard beeping. She saw that she was in a hospital room. She couldn't remember what happened to her or how she ended up in the hospital. She couldn't remember anything other than her name. As Claire looked around, she saw a man sitting by the bed. She recognized him, but didn't know how. Claire noticed a locket around her neck. She opened it and saw a picture of the man that was sitting next to her. Claire then remembered that the man was her father. She didn't know how or why she knew he was her father, she just did. The man noticed that she was awake.

"Hi. I don't know if you know who-." Steve started to say.

"Dad?" Claire asked, cutting him off.

"You know who I am?" Steve asked, a little surprised.

"I don't know." Claire said. "I just saw this picture of you in this locket and knew that you were my father." Steve nodded.

"What happened to you?" Claire asked.

"In the 1940s, I was flying an aircraft that had explosives on it. It was set to head towards New York, so I had to crash the plane into the ocean and I was in a cryogenic sleep for a long time." Steve explained. "I woke up a few months ago."

"What happened to me?" Claire asked.

"What do you remember?" Steve asked.

"I don't remember anything." Claire said. "All I remember is that my name is Claire and you're my father."

"They said that Hydra kidnapped you in 1959." Steve explained. "We just recently found you in a Hydra base. You were asleep in a chamber when we found you."

"What year is it?" Claire asked.

"2012." Steve answered.

"I've been asleep for 53 years!?" Claire asked. Steve nodded.

"I'm going to go get a nurse." He said. Claire nodded as Steve walked out of the room. A minute later, he came back in with a nurse and a doctor. They examined her and took her vitals. Afterwards they went out of the room and it was just Steve and Claire.

"If it's 2012, why does my room look like it's from the 1950s?" Claire asked.

"I guess to make you more comfortable." Steve said. "When I woke up, my room looked like it was from the 1940s."

"How did you find out about me?" Claire asked.

"They told me about you after I woke up." Steve said.

"What happens now?" Claire asks.

"Once they let you leave, I'll bring you home." Steve said. "SHIELD set me up with an apartment near the headquarters."

All of sudden, something happened to Claire. It's like a switch went off in her head when she heard the word SHIELD. She started thrashing her arms and ended up pulling the IV's and wires out. She got out of the bed and lunged towards her father, screaming. "Claire." Steve said as he backed up. Claire continued to move towards Steve. Steve hit the nurses button to get someone in there. Nurses and doctors rushed in. Since he was the only one strong enough, he had to hold her down while someone sedated her. When they injected her with a sedative, Claire cried out as if it was painful to her. She was unconscious within a few seconds. They put restraints around her wrists.

"What happened?" A doctor asked.

"I don't know." Steve said. "We were talking. I said SHIELD and she freaked out."

"Hearing that word must of caused her to have some kind of violent reaction." The doctor said.

"But, why did she have a violent reaction?" Steve asked.

"Hydra could have done something to her to where she hears certain words, it causes her to have a violent reaction." The doctor explained. "Probably best to keep an eye on her, see if she has a reaction to other words, and avoid saying them around her." Steve nodded.

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