Chapter: 1 Bloodshot eyes, bruised face, and cut thighs.

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I came home from the bar, walking threw my pitch black house all I could here was crying. I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. Low behold there was my girlfriend, Freedom, both hands over her face sobbing. She tensed when I put my hand on her wrist. " leaving.." she whispered. "WHAT?!? NO. NO YOURE NOT!" I screamed at her making her jump. My heart sank to my feet but I knew why she wanted to go. "Mikey. please listen." she stood up making me take two steps back. "You realize you hit me and make me feel like I'm nothing at all. You come home drunk all the time and hit me and yell at me. I'm done. We're done." Those last words she yelled at me, made the word seem all like a blur. everything was if I took acid and couldnt make out anything from a fairytale an reality.
I don't really know what happened to Mikey but he looked at me blank and his face went red. I have to admit. I got very very scared and walked out of the bathroom grabbing my jacket, keys, and a bag for clothes. I threw my "guns & roses" shirt with a pair of blue high waisted ripped jeans into the bag along with my makeup. I spun around put my black all stars on, and walked into the bathroom doorway and stared at Michael. he was in the same position but with a tear rolling down his left cheek. He didn't look at me he just was zoned out into the floor. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his forehead and walked out. It was a pale blue outside I walked down porch steps. all I could hear was Michael throwing things. I might as well should have been walking away from explosions. I hopped in my car and started to cry. Things were ending really bad and I had nowhere to go. I got on my phone and dialed Luke's number. "Hey sweet cheeks, how's it goin?" Luke said cheekily. " Luke... can I come over and spend the night?.... I know it's reall"- he cut me off. "Freedom.. is it Mikey?" He said further worried. "You got it." I put in a fake smile. "Hurry over" was the last words I heard before he hung up on me. Lucas Robert Hemmings was my bestfriend in the whole wide word. We have been friends since we were 2 Nobody understands how much I love this kid. We got our lips pierced together. We do everything that Bestfriends do with each other. Mikey got pretty jealous of Luke but I mean we're BFFS. I finally made it to Luke's house around 9:30. *KNOCK KNOCK* like came to the door and unlocked it, but never opened it. So I just walked in. Luke was in the Kitchen with Calum making popcorn. When Calum saw me he run and jump/hugged me. I giggled setting him down. "Awe Free, what's wrong?" He whined with a pouty face. "Mikey..." I said shyly putting a a few strands of my purple hair behind my ear. " Calum! Your girly friend is calling." Luke yelled. Calums attention snapped from my face to his phone on the counter. He ran and accepted the call. "Hey babbby!" He stretched out his words talking to his gf. My other bestfriend. He hugged Luke and kissed my forehead. Before taking off out the door. Luke looked at me, making my heart skip a beat. " Helr sugga." he said all weird in a southern accent. "Haha! Luke shut up." I laughed. I waked over and hugged him. honestly I never wanted to let go. He put his warm arms around me and tightened his embrace. "Luke I'm sorry I didn't want to ruin you're night i"- he cut me off once again. "Freedom. shut your mouth. I love you and you're welcome here anytime." He said softly. I looked up at his face. And he looked at mine. We were two inches away. I smiled and looked back down. After about 5 minutes of hugging I let go and walked over to the couch and layed down.

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