Thanksgiving Day

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        It was a cool, beautiful morning when Andrea woke up, stretching out her arms and legs, instantly noticing the absence of her husband. She frowned at that as she moved from the bed and silently dressed, pulling on each article of clothing methodically as if today was no different than any other day. It wasn’t to her, until Marissa ran in excitedly screaming about Thanksgiving that she realized today was a special day. The little red headed girl screeched loudly, pulling on Andrea’s arm for attention.


        “Mommy! Guess what day it is?! Guess what day it is?” Andrea laughed at Marissa’s excitement as she set her brush aside and turned to her little girl with a wide smile. “What day?” Marissa happily chimed in, giggling cutely. “Daddy say it’s Thanksgivin’!” Andrea laughed a bit again at the cute way she said Thanksgiving as she bent some to pick up the young girl, cuddling the six year old close, kissing her forehead.


        “Is daddy cooking already?” Andrea smiled softly as the little girl wrapped her arms around Andrea’s neck and stretched to whisper. “He’s cooking a turkey. And mashed tatoes and corn…” Andrea smiled widely and moved back to her bedroom, still carrying Marissa. “Well we should probably help him now shouldn’t we? Why don’t you go get cleaned up baby girl? Meet mommy and daddy downstairs when you’re ready.” Andrea gently set Marissa on her feet with one more kiss, nodding her head to the door to tell her it was okay to go. Marissa soon followed and Andrea went back to getting ready, dressing in one of her nicer outfits for the occasion.


        She couldn’t deny that she was entirely excited for the day. Rick had decided that they should invite their two closest friends, Jesus and Olivia over, and that provided enough excitement on its own. Carl was also coming home for the holiday, and she couldn’t be happier to see her son again, to know he was safe in Alexandria. Andrea hummed absentmindedly as she went downstairs, her hand resting on her abdomen as she walked in the kitchen to see for the lack of better words, a mess. She laughed brightly, walking over to Rick and wrapping her arms around him from behind. “Good morning Mr. Grimes...See you’re cooking dinner like you said.”


        Rick chuckled a bit, turning in Andrea’s arms to wrap his arms around her. “Good morning Mrs. Grimes...Don’t you look simply dazzlin’.” Rick chuckled and leaned down for the normal, tender good morning kiss, smiling under it as Andrea wrapped her arms around him contently before she pulled back, gleaming at him.


        “Thank you honey...but you didn’t have to cook alone. After all, you did hunt me that turkey…” Rick chuckled and shrugged, loosening his hold on her to finish cutting the bread he was working on. “Well what if I wanted to? You cook every day Andrea, just wanted to say thanks...but I do need your help on finishing the turkey.” Rick chuckled as he motioned to the counter, Andrea smiling as she went over and began working, perfecting the turkey with the homemade stuffing Rick had made and the dressings Eugene had designed, humming softly as they both worked, happily.


        It wasn’t long before the soft patter of their little girl could be heard as she ran down the stairs in her little dress, running over to kiss Andrea’s belly before hugging her legs. “I love you mommy.” Andrea turned around to give her a real hug as the knock on the door became distinct. “I love you too, Marissa. So much.”


        Andrea smiled as she walked off to get the door, her eyes lighting up as she saw her son followed by some unexpected guests, Sophia, Maggie, Hershel, and Earl, smiles across all of their features as Andrea pulled Carl into a hug. “Carl!  I missed you so much!”

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