Someone to Dance with Again

19 4 4

I watch as he smiles 
that toothy grin;
the one that reaches 
those quirky dimples. 

I used to be the cause. 

His feelings bound 
in carefully hand-written
letters of parchment.
Mine; jealousy hitting
in waves. 

He caused that. 

My brain aches
for the rapport
we once had built.
The witty banter, 
the shameful stares, 
the hidden glances. 
All of it. 

He doesn't even
bother to acknowledge
my presence. 

I am a shell 
of memories
too fragile to break. 

He might as well 
have tore into 
my feelings;
his hands dripping
of broken hearts
and unsewn promises. 

I splash along
the puddles 
of red. 

I hope I'll find someone
to dance with again. 

written by: Amanda B. Weigner

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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