The Sapling King Really Gone?

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(Toby's pov)

 I felt Martyn's body sag onto my back and I hoisted him up as best I could. He was surprisingly light, making it easier to carry him. "come on, we're almost there..." I muttered to myself. Tree branched whipped at my face as i pushed my way through the forest. I felt my clothes getting soaked by Martyn's blood, and that made me feel sick. Finally, I reached our campsite clearing and laid him on our bed. His fluffy hair was matted with sweat and blood, and his trademark headband was just clinging to his head. The pierced wound on his side was leaking re liquid fast, an I quickly tore through our supplies for a bandage.

As soon as I found what I was looking for, I heard a hacking cough from my friend. His eyes were half-open, and they were slightly unfocused. I started treating the wound, but I knew in my heart that I was too late. He already lost too much blood. "Toby...?" Martyn's voice was cracked and low. " Yes, Martyn. I'm here. You're going to be fine' okay? Just don't let go!" My own voice was also cracking with desperation, but Martyn shook his head. "i'm sorry, Toby. I guess I'm done here." "No, no, don't say that Martyn! You are not leaving me!" how could he be so calm when he was on death's doorstep? how could he leave me behind like this?

Martyn's eyelids were closing, a small smile on his face. "you have to move on,Toby, Don'n cry," he gently wiped my tears with his trembling hand. "Wherever you are, I'll always be with you." With that, his eyes closed completely with a sigh.

For a moment, all was silence. No birds singing, no rustling from the trees above. Or perhaps my brain was not functioning to hear them. Deathly nothingness creeped into my head the same words stabbing my heart over and over. 'He's gone, he's gone, he's gone...' Those words drowned out the sound of my own screaming, and I beat the ground with me fist, I stared at me hands, covered in dirt and my friend's blood. Feeling  nauseous, I took out a bucket of water and washed my face and hands with water. Looking back, I saw that his body had dissolved into a single, pure white sapling. Smiling despite myself, I scooped it up with some dirt and planted it in a patch of sunlight, just at the edge the clearing. Martyn always  liked this spot, and would often sit there and bask in the warm sun...

Fresh tears soaked the tender leaves as I recalled all the happy memories with my friend. We would sit in front of the campfire, roasting some chicken while we sang songs together. Often, he would make plants grow right beneath my feet, surprising me every time. But now, the place we used to call home looked barren and cold. I packed all our stuff and turned to leave the clearing, I saw Martyn's headband lying beside the sapling. Strange. I didn't see that before...picking it up, I could almost hear his joyous laugh again. I gingerly placed the headband in my bag, and continued on my way. "I'll never forget you, Martyn. I'll be back for you."

----Years later----

A young man entered the old campsite, looking around with a smile on his face. His unruly, brown hair was swept to one side, and his dark eyes full of life. The tent was still standing, the poles only slightly decayed. The trees were evergreen as usual. it was as if nothing had changed over the years. The only difference was a young tree on the edge of the clearing, Its silvery leaves reflecting the dazzling sunlight. The man put his hand on the white  bark. "Hey Martyn. Long time, no see. It's already been 10 years, can you believe that?" The branches seemed to curve towards the man, who chuckled. "I missed you too, Martyn. And I still do."

Toby often slept beside his friend's tree, talking to it under a patch of moonlight. He told of his adventures and explorations, the forests and mountains he had encountered. When he wasn't talking, he closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of the forest. Martyn once taught him how ti hear the whispers and laughter of the plants. He heard the trees talking to one another, and realized that no sound came from the white tree. "I wish I could hear you again, my friend."

With Toby pouring his heart out on a plant, the tree grew so tall that it shaded the whole campsite with its leaves. "Jesus, Martyn. You grown like you had an over dose on bonemeal!" He carefully took out the headband, which he had kept dearly and wrapped it around one of the branches. "I thought you would miss it"

One day, Toby stood on the top of a nearby tree, watching the orange glow of the sunrise spread over the leafy roof. Climbing down, he saw something lying on the base of Martyn's tree. He took a sharp breath when he inched closer. He could recognize that fluffy, blond hair anywhere "Martyn...!"

He could not believe it. After years of sadness and tears, his lost friend was right in front of his eyes. It was as the lapis lover had never aged, he looked just like the teenage boy that had died 10 years ago. Toby gently picked him up ans tucked him in his bed. He untied the headband from the tree and tuck it into the sheets. Then he lay down next to him and draped an arm around his friend, keeping him warm. He couldn't help smiling widely as he watched his friend, He was actually real, sleeping right next to him

"Welcome back, Martyn"

Then Toby woke up...

Im a terrible person arn't I? Rest in peace my little vampires


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