John shelby- charles harrison records

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The evening sun was streaming its last bursts of orange though the net curtains leaving sun spots of orange and translucent shadows along the living room wall against the wallpaper.I hung up my coat on the back of the front door and made my way into to living room. Ever limb was aching, I'd been on my feet all day, shopping for the usuals and chasing Lizzie and Thomas up the street. I was greeted by a sight most certainly for sore eyes. "There she is! My beautiful wife." John rejoiced from his favourite arm chair, whisky is one hand cigar in the other. Grinning. "My drunk husband." I said rolling my eyes but smirking all the same, he wasn't so drunk, I'd like to say merry. "What do we owe the occasion?" I said making my way over to him and picking up the bottle to survey his choice of drink.

He sat the end of his cigar in the ashtray, he ignored my question by asking his own. "Where are the kids?" He stood and walked past me, over to the wooden cabinet holding our records and there player. "There with polly, you know how much they love her cooking, although Lizzie can't keep her hands out the flour." Grinning at the memory of our small family I poured myself a glass of the whiskey, after smelling it and decided I needed something strong, I sipped a small mouth full from the glass before setting it down on the cabinet. He had finally settled on the music he wanted to play. "Kids away, all the whiskey we could drink." He pulled me in by the waist lowering both hands to my hips, one holding me tight the other resting his glass on my hip bone. I giggled slightly resting my arms on his shoulders, "and the love of my life in my arms, I think that's the occasion id like to celebrate." His tie was loose and the top button undone, cap and jacket off laying on the chair his hair had lost its usual flatness and was messy at the front. his breath already smelled strong of whiskey and smoke, I'd say he'd been home two hours. He held his hips close to mine, chests apart and forehead together. We haven't had Time like this since before the war, and then we were only teens, when love was new and alcohol and cigars were fresh.

He swayed slightly to the music, and for a moment I felt like we were teenagers again, in the upstairs of the Shelby residence, shoes off so no one would hear us, Charles Harrison records if I remember correctly. He'd sneak me through the back door, pulling me gently by the hand. "Poll took Ada and Finn to the park." His attempt to cool my nerves. Tommy and Arthur had a soft spot for me because John of John soft spot for me,not to mention they liked trouble, poll run a tight ship and I was a stowaway. Up the staircase into the safety of Johns room. I'd slid off my shoes and him his, he'd twirl me under his arm, hold me with his hands. And when poll would come home, sway so gently to the music not creaking a single floorboard. "Iv got to go John, my father will ask questions." I'd carry my shoes down stairs, and run through the corridor in nothing but stockings on my feet, John right in front, Tommy, when he saw us laughing at the foolishness of it. I'd slip them on at the door. "When will you let me walk you home y/n?" He would ask every time. A blinder boy or "that Shelby runt." My father would call him, walking me home would surely be enough for him to put me under house arrest until I started growing white hairs. "Good night Johnny." Id kiss him on both cheeks, his hand would slip off of mind as i made my way into the entry way behind the houses and walk home alone. barely eighteen, and I already knew I was going to marry John Shelby.

"Don't stumble." I warned, grinning as he nearly fell over his own left feet. . He looked nearly like he did almost five years ago. Younger in the eyes, in his smile. all those long nights of waking up to John screaming, having to sit awake till the sun rose with a damp cloth and a soothing voice, they melted away. He placed his glass down. "Come on then darlin' give us a spin." He held my hand and raised it above my head as I followed through as he caught me again with his other hand. He got a little more energetic, exaggerating his moves, I laughed at him, "I love you Mr Shelby." He pulled me in close, chest to chest. " I love you Mrs Shelby." He put a hand under my chin, "can a man get a kiss from his wife." I could see the alcohol in his eyes, but I humoured him, "he can." He leaned in holding my face his with right hand my waist his with left. John was always so gentle and soft in his moves, and that's what I loved about him. He always took care of me, and I him.

"Oh, I've missed this Johnny." I sat my hand on the side of his neck just below his ear. "There's a name I haven't heard in years." He smirked, "and I have too." Even his voice was quiet and softer than usual maybe he was a little more drunk than I anticipated, he rested his head on my shoulder, and slid off his shoes kicking them by the arm chair, "one more dance for this Shelby runt?" He asked picking up his head but keeping his arms close on my waist, "as many as he wants." I kicked off my own shoes and let him lead the way.

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