when the good boy turns bad

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"hey" said a blind girl named Sara to her best friend Zack

"hey" said Zack "how is it going summer felt like forever since I saw you huh?" "Yea I guess why are we just friends I want to be something more" said Sara "huh?" said Zack "oh never mind I will be getting dismissed soon" "why" Zack said suspiciously "umm I'm going to the hospital to get my eyes check there doing surgery to fix them" "yay" the boy is very suspicious is she going to the hospital or is she lying she has lied before Zack said "well I have to ask you something maybe later" Sara walks away crying Zack runs up to her almost tripping her over and..... kisses her Zack says " will you go out with me" Sara says "yes" soon years later the girl and the boy have gotten in fights they make up Sara asks "why did you choose me I'm blind" the boy says something very sweet "it shouldn't matter about the way you are it's if I like you for who you are why did you choose me" the girl says " because I love you" many years go by dark secrets bright days there wonderful lives ahead of them .

"Today" said the Sara as she went to grab a cup of milk out of the fridge Zack said "yes today miss perfect"

                                 The Day chapter 2

Sara wanted alot from Zack but Zack is gone where did he go? Sara was very worried all she remembers is waking up to screaming and gun shots loudly outside then the next minute she is in a cage in a cave

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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