I just started writing this- kill me

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Hosuh's POV

After Ann had finished the dress' base, and I had finally plopped the cake batter in the oven. I walked up to her and asked "Hey Ann, how's the dress going?" She replied with a big smile on her face as she said "It's going great! I just need to add some embroidery and buy some more silk and it should be done tonight, in time for the wedding tomorrow."

After an hour of waiting, for cake bake, I finally took it out of the oven and carefully placed it on the countertop. The orange scent of the cake wafted around the kitchen, slowly creeping to the rest of the house.

Ann's POV

After that whole shag in the store, I was finally able to buy the cloth that I needed to complete the dress.

On my way back to Hosuh's house, I smelled the orange flavor on the streets.

Hosuh's probably done with the cake-!

I rushed into the house and quickly placed the cloths on the table and rushed into the kitchen. "Woah! Hosuh, The cake looks amazing!" I exclaimed as I examined the cake— it was a two-tier cake with white icing and a few orange flowers ornamenting it.

After admiring Hosuh's cake for the wedding, I went back to making the dress.

This is gonna be a great wedding.

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