The Angel Who Came

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I was falling down, faster and faster in the water being pushed against sharp jagged rocks as the waters currents where gripping me harder. I can remember thinking to myself "you know your life was good why do it, why jump?"

My chest was getting tighter now and I was struggling to keep awake and suddenly... the water went still, I went still, it felt like time stood still in mockery at me as the watery blood floated up from my chest to the open air above.

I was part dying.

I was slowly moving now when I saw a bright light and a boy, tall, dark haired, beautiful. I thought I was hallucinating and that no air was getting to my head... I was wrong. The boy spoke. His voice was sweet and light he walked towards me and took my hand, he started pulling me up towards the surface faster and faster, it felt like the icy grip of the water was getting lose now and the angle had saved another from being its prey, the waters cry slowly faded away and the cold air of the surface hit me. It was a wake up call to my body, it instantly started working again.

I was thrown up into the air and the cold icy winter wind tore through my hair and my limbs were numb with pain. I was lying there, on the cold watery ice, alone...

I looked around for the angel that had saved me but my blurred vision and my cold icy body were still struggling to come back to life. There was a sense of urgency I the air as the snow started to cover my body. Was I dreaming or was this real.                  

My limbs started to recover now, he was their again. Just as I saw him the first time, but this time he was dressed.

He wore a white top with My Chemical Romance written on the left side and skinny jeans that were obviously too small for him as he adjusted belt on them. He also wore a leather jacket and a lit cigarette burnt out in one hand. He took the jacket off and covered it around me taking the last puff of his fag and throwing it at the icy grave below.

I was Alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2010 ⏰

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