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            This book is a based on true events that either I have encountered or saw others encountered. It is not supposed to be a trigger; this book is not romanticizing anything. This book is the cold hard truth of my thoughts. This book is factual, nothing in here is a made-up story. Writings in here pertain to depression, suicide, abuse, death, love, heartbreak, the unknown, darkness, rape, relationships, mental illnesses, family, friends, school, happiness, and the will to live. The names of those who are in this book have been traded out with pronouns to keep their identities confidential. I hope that you read this book with an open mind and heart. I do not write for fame but for the hope someone else will connect to my words as I did with other poets who inspired me. Feel free to mark the pages up, quote them, or just simply use them. These writings are for you.

~Thank you

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