~ Chapter 01 ~

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Chapter 01

Words: 836




TV ~ "Reports just in that murderer and kidnapper, John Dexter was found dead in a supermarket. A witness told us he seemed to shake and spasm before collapsing to the floor. Investigators soon confirmed his death to be from a heart attack-"




The Death Note was slammed closed. 


Dan rose from his desk and turned to his mac, typing 'Tumblr' into the search bar. He scrolled through his Dashboard and it was filled with 'Kira' posts. Dan's coffee eyes scanned the screen, reading every single opinion and thought on them.

A small smirk stretched across his lips.

After ten minutes of skimming and scanning he checked the clock in the bottom right hand corner of his computer then logged off tumblr and cleared his internet history. It was 6pm, time for some dinner. He exited his room, carefully locking it and slipping a piece of led in between the hinges of his door before making his way to the kitchen. 

He grabbed pots, pans and other cooking utensils, ready to cook an omelet for him and his flat mate. He cracked five eggs into a sizzling oil lubricated pan and threw the egg shells away. He got their wooden spoon and added a bit of salt and a few peas into the mixture before mixing it round the pan. 

A good ten minutes later he had two steaming omelets on plates, with a bowl of salad plus dressing.

"PHIL!" Dan yelled, taking the plates to their dining table and switching the TV on in the process. As he waited, he flicked through some channels. ignoring the news and settling on master chef. After a minute of silence and no movement Dan felt his impatience rise. "PHIL!" He yelled again.

"I'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE!" Phil called from his room. Dan sighed, Phil was busy these days doing god knows what. They always hung out at lunch, breakfast and dinner but both boys during the week were usually occupied, especially since Dan was still studying in Uni. 

"Dan! Not fair, I'm hungry too."

"Ok, ok, I'm here." Phil announced as he walked in the room, he looked exhausted, bags under his eyes.

"You look awful." Dan put bluntly and ate a fork full of his omelet. Phil gave him a flat look before sitting across from him. 

"Oh, I haven't seen this episode yet." Phil smiled, taking his fork and chopping a piece off. 

"It's the new one." Dan commented, taking another mouth full.

"Mmmm." Phil moaned, closing his eyes in appreciation. "You're cooking is really good Dan." Phil grinned, taking another large bite. Dan looked away from the screen and over to Phil's happy face. He felt a heat go up his neck and spread through his cheeks in a light blush.

"Thanks." Dan mumbled and turned back to the TV, stuffing his mouth so he didn't have to talk.

After ten minutes of master chef, Phil took the plates into the kitchen. Dan listened to the clatter of pans and sloshing water, Phil obviously doing the washing. It was an agreement they'd made since Phil couldn't cook very well, yet he adored food.

"Dan, please!" 

Dan stood up and walked into the hallway, sneaking a glance at Phil. He was busying himself with the washing up and looked like he would take another five minutes. Dan then walked into the living room and picked an apple out the fruit bowl on the dining room table.

He threw it in the air and caught it in his hand, walking towards the sofa. He threw it up and caught it, doing the same thing on repeat. 

"Ok, now you're just being a bully!" 

A smirk tugged at Dan's lips and finally he caught the apple for the sixth time and held it in his palm for a minute. 

"There you go Ryuk." Dan spoke out loud and threw the apple into the air behind him. There was a hungry crunching sound from behind Dan and then a burp but his eyes stayed on the TV screen. A sigh was heard from behind Dan and then the padding of feet walking into the hallway.

Soon enough Phil walked into the living room. "Hey, what's on now?" He asked.

"I think Adventure Time is on next." Dan suggested. Phil plonked down next to Dan and grinned, putting his arm round the back of the sofa, which happened to be behind Dan's back. Dan felt the hairs on his neck stand on end and the familiar blush rose to his cheeks. He hid behind his fringe and internally cursed himself.

"Yay, I can't remember the last time we watched that. Oh, aren't you supposed to be studying for finals Dan?" Phil questioned, giving him a questioning look.

"I'll do it tomorrow, I've done enough homework for one night." Dan waved off. Phil chuckled, a wonderful and cheerful noise.

"Always the procrastinator."



Chapter one everybody!!!


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