A Demon's Fate

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Not sure if anyone is still doing these kind of blog books-  I've been too long gone to know what's going on here anymore, but this isn't a typical blog thing anyway,(except I might do tags in here, then again I haven't bothered to do any in forever, so who knows?🤷🏻‍♀️)- so I don't care.

I'm probably going to write about story ideas, inspirations, notes I took for stories and other writing related things- or writing tips if anyone is interested, so it's more some sort of writing note/draft/idea book. I always lose my handwritten things- or can't read them, so having it digital will certainly help. 👍

I probably won't post anything personal,-I did in the past in blog books, but I feel too "adult" for this anymore. If sb wants to get to know me, you're free to message me and we can talk. ❤ 

If you have a question, related to writing about myself, like idk; 'what's your reason for writing?'; 'How did you come up with the plot to your story XYX?"  I'll ofc answer it in here, but I won't be answering any private questions nor talk about my daily life. 

This really will only cover writing related stuff, that means:

1. Story ideas; usually Rolling Stones related, okay probably just Rolling Stones related. What can I say? I like writing them. 😍

2. Inspirations or things I found interesting and might include in my stories. If by chance you know my stories, you might know that I often add allusions ranging from art to history to science to religion to movies. 

3. OC profiles or character profiles, like for the Rolling Stones.

4. Writing tips, if sb wants some? I'm always glad to help, so ask away! I don't think I'm the best writer, but a second opinion never hurt anyone. 

+ Also if sb needs help writing the Stones, just ask! I apparently write them really in character, according to my readers, so I don't mind, if sb needs a bit of help there as well. 

5. Drafts. I wrote a lot over the years- a lot of things I never published or finished writing. (I just try to publish things on here as books I intend to finish) Some drafts had potential,  but I just lost interest in them or didn't know where exactly I wanted to go, so I never published them. It seems a waste to keep them to myself tho.

6. Trades/ Collabs/ Gifts and all those kind of fun things. I'm a bit of a busy person, so pls respect it, if I perhaps turn you down. It's nothing personal, I assure you, but just me being busy.  

 & many more things.

I don't know how often I'll update this. Probably whenever I'm in the mood, so updates will be random, if not otherwise stated. 

Thanks for reading, voting & commenting!♡

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