Don't Rush Me - Adam Levine Fanfic (oneshot)

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[Author's Note]: Rated M for language.


*I retitled this from "I'll never Recover" to "Don't Rush Me"  I'm sorry but I think it suits the story better. :))

*I went over this again and noticed the mispelled words and other mistakes ... I now corrected and edited them ;) Sorry for any inconvenience :)


       I went backstage as soon as the concert ended. I was lucky enough to get backstage pass. "Hi", I said to a towering human embodiment of sex. He turned to me as boiling hot coffee spilled on my "I

"Oh my f*cking god. I'm so sorry!"  

I sighed as I stared down my shirt and feel the burn in my scorched skin. I tried to wipe it off with my handkerchief but the stain is still there. Adam looks around wondering what to do.

"Uhm, it's okay..I think" Adam stared in my tee with symphathy, "No, it's not okay. I know you took effort for that. And you might have burns." Adam turned his back to me and summoned a medic. The medics quickly responded like Adam was some kind of god to obey. They quickly mended my burned skin, they said I was lucky it wasn't anything serious.  I feel icky in my shirt to be honest but I can't help staring at my idol and him staring at me too.

"You know, let me make it up to you.." My heart skipped a beat.

"Huh? What? No, I'm alright" I was suddenly snapped back to reality. Adam smirked as he said, "Would you mind if I take you to my hotel room?" That felt extremely awkward but deep inside, I kinda like the sound of that.

    We drove back to the hotel and surprisingly, we managed to not draw any attention. I can't help but stare. I'm in his car, MY IDOL's car. on the way to HIS hotel room. Is this real life? I can feel him glancing my way, sometimes I would catch him staring at me while in red light. He would quickly look away when I look back at him. The whole ride was quiet, but it was terribly awkward.

   "Here, wear this." Adam threw me a red plaid print shirt. I stared in awe. Of all his clothes, why this? He could have give me a plain t-shirt. 

"I know what you're thinking, just accept it as a token of my apology."

I run my fingers in the smooth cotton fabric and smell the fragrance, it was heavenly. Adam's scent is clearly in it. I looked for a bathroom and as Adam sensed it, he pointed a door to my right.

"Thanks."  I put on the shirt and it was pretty big for me, but heck, it's from Adam Levine! 

"So, what's your name?" I heard him say behind the door.

"Uhm, it's Beatrice or Trish, whatever you fancy." I can tell he just chuckled.

"Okay, now let me see you..oh-"

I stepped out of the bathroom raising my arms overhead and let it fall back down as if telling him the shirt is too big. He tried not to laugh even more in the gesture. He walked towards me and cupped my cheek, with his signature smirk he commented,

"I just realized that your eyes are as lovely as the evening stars..."

I raised my eyebrow the way he always does, which made his smirk turn to a smile. He walked back a few feet away to his dresser and removed his shirt. I think he's gonna change his sweat-soaked shirt into a fresh one. Right. In. Front. Of. Me. He started singing "Love Somebody" As he got to his belt. I dropped my jaw as his pants went down. I can tell he's smirking by the ways his face stretched. Damn. He's such a badass motherf*cker. He started to walk towards me. My breathing changed its pace as his scent comes nearer.

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