Colors in Life

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Colors, colors, the variety of colors;

Wonderful colors in life!

They lift my soul and bring me light,

There is nothing like beautiful colors.

Red is the war, the bloodshed to be free;

Orange is my friends and loving family;

Yellow is the happy things, kindness that's never sour;

Green is the beautiful earth, all of creation made by His power;

Blue is the music, the songs that tell of His glory;

Purple is how we live, our testimony and life story;

Black is the things I do, the darkness that I feel;

Brown is the dirty things, the sins against His will;

Grey is the bleakness, the depression that makes me empty;

White is the purity of Jesus, which is plenty.

It fills me up and makes me whole,

It washes my brown away,

I now see light in the blackness,

And now there's no more grey.

The colors are already vivid;

Through Him I see the truth,

There is now a bright-shining rainbow,

Because the thing that opens my eyes, O God,

It's all because of You!


:) Hi! I dedicated this to @2SinceOctober3 because she let me use the idea! Thank You!!!

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