Chapter 1: Mystery Man

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Sometimes in life, life throws you a curve ball, a curve ball you didn't want and definetly didn't need. Life threw me a huge one at the beginning of my senior year which flipped it all around, you might think what could life throw at such an average girl but by god you would be surprised, lets go back to September 29th 2019 - the day he arrived...."Alexis if you do not get your butt into gear right now you are going to be late" my mum called up the stairs while i lay in bed scrolling through Instagram, i heard her start to walk upstairs and knew she probably meant business now so i rushed out of bed and headed straight into the shower before she could catch me"You are one lucky girl" she chuckled as i sat downstairs eating an apple"I have no idea what you mean" I said acting dumb"You somehow don't roll out of bed until 2 minutes before you need to leave and you haven't been kicked out of school yet" she said"I'm an angel what can i say" i said winking at her because we both know that is not the case at all"I think i should be heading off" i said deciding im late enough, i head towards the door grabbing my bag in the process. I opened the door to see a brunette man stood in front of the door looking as if he was about to knock"Can i help you?" i asked folding my arms, my mum poked her head out of the kitchen and i saw her jaw drop from the corner of my eye"mum you are gonna catch flies" i said, she snapped back into reality and came up the the man"Why are you here" she asked, the man was just staring at me earning a look from me"Ali go to school please" mum said i looked at her then back to the man, before i could say anything more i was pushed out the door and the mystery man was pulled inside..."That sounds so strange" Myles said as we sat in his car on the way home"RIGHT! Like who is the guy" i said, Myles shrugged and carried on focusing on the road"Looks like he is still there" I said seeing the same car parked on the side of the road in front of the house"Want me to come in with you?" Myles asked parking up, i smiled at him before pecking his lips"I love you" i said"I love you too" he replied before getting out of the car and heading inside, mum and mystery man were in the living room, still talking, talking about what i didn't listen long enough before being caught that i was home"Alexis, come in here please" Mum said, i held onto Myles' hand and walked forwards"Oh Myles honey, you know our house is always open to you but i need Alexis on her own tonight, is that okay?" mum asked, Myles nodded, kissed my cheek and we said our goodbye before it was just me, mum and Mystery man"Who even are you?" I asked sitting by my mum away from the man, my mum took my hands in hers"Ali this is your granddad, your dad's dad" mum said making my jaw drop, why the hell was here, my dad hasn't bothered with me since i was born why start now?"Why are you here?" i asked"Your dad wants to meet you" he said, i shook my head and chuckled"fat chance of that" I said "Alexis, will you at least think about it?" Mum asked i shook my head"Do i not need to remind you mum, he hasn't bothered with me in my 17 years of living, hell he walked out on you while you were pregnant with his child, why would i want that type of person in my life?" i said"You have a fair point honey, but he needs you both" my 'granddad' said, i shook my head"how about when i needed him? When i had my first argument with my mum, when i had my first break up, first father daughter dances, all my trips to the ED. Where was he?" i asked, i looked between mum and granddad and shook my head"you're both out of your mind if you think i will meet him" i said before walking awayHave i always wondered what he would be like? Yes.Have i always wanted to ask why he left? Yes.Have i always wanted to see if i look like him? YesIs he worth all the hassle? Probably notWill he even care if we never met? Probably notI don't need to meet him, I've survived this far without him, who needs him now...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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