The short but queer history between Detective Malcolm Bright and Phillip Lombard

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Lombard felt himself drift closer to an eternal sleep until a gunshot fully awoke him once more. He could feel blood begin pumping through his veins again as a shakily rose to his feet. He turned to the house and he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Lombard looked down at his wound, a gunshot that managed to miss his heart and kidneys. A wound that didn't prove fatal enough. He laughed breathily at it. He should be dead.

Lombard ripped some of his sleeve off for a makeshift bandage to cover the wound, then he turned to the mansion. It seemed... darker. More sad and lonely. Lombard began his trek to the home. As he stepped onto the terrace he looked back at where the body of Blore should be. Head crushed with a clock in the shape of a bear. It didn't sicken him like it did to Vera.

Lombard sighed, when was the last time he spoke to him? Not about death but about life? He smiled as he remembered when he and Blore spoke of the world and its vast wonders. Lombard usually wasn't a sympathetic man but... these events and people really have changed him.

He shook his head and continued into the home. He then realized that Vera was nowhere to be found when he awoke near the beach. Where could that woman could've gone? Perhaps upstairs? Lombard quickly made his way to her room and the sight before him was a shocking one.

Vera and Wargrave dead. Vera hung upon the ceiling and Wargrave on the bed with a gunshot right to his head. Lombard averted his eyes and closed the door. How had wargrave lived? Had he faked his death? That didn't seem to be a concern now since the man now lay dead upon vera's bedsheets.

He then walked down the hall, first opening the door of the rogers' room and looking at the couple in bed together. They spent their last days together and still loved the other the same. Then to Marston's room, not a nice man but he was quite odd compared to the other people here, a funny man.

Then to General Macarthur's room. He peered inside and looked at the man resting peacefully, although still being soaked in his own blood. Emily Brent was next, he paused at her door though. He had hated this woman a great amount. Why should he care to see her body? He still opened the door a crack to stare and Ms. Brent. She and Mrs. Rogers had the more peaceful deaths compared to the others.

As he slowly walked down the hall he cringed at the pain spreading throughout his body. He could handle a little pain but he also had never been shot before. He shook the thoughts of pain away, he just wanted to see who might've been the killer. It couldn't have been Vera, he wouldn't believe it. He stepped into Armstrong's room and looked at the mans face. Frozen with both fear and cold waters.

He felt his knees weaken the longer he stood, looking at Armstong, the more despair he felt. He quickly rushed from the room and down the hall. He could hear his heart racing as he stumbled down the stairs, he peered up at the rooms once more when he could've sworn he heard Vera whispering. He was snapped out of his thoughts when his foot hit the other and he crashed down the stairs. Now he lays there, silent but breathing.


Detective Bright was called to a crime scene to investigate the murders of 9 people. He had never investigated such brutal murders but there is a first time for everything. He was crossing the ocean as he read about each murder and the last remaining survivor. A man named Philip Lombard, he could've sworn he's heard the name before but he doesn't have time to think after the boat is floating next to the dock.

He steps out of the boat and slowly walks to the mansion. This mansion was large and dark. It looked evil all on its own, but knowing inside is where the bodies lay, it was the devil himself. Malcolm knocked on the large oak door and greeted the other officers inside. He was lead to a small room, similar to a game room, and he sat across Lombard himself. Lombard refused to look up at the man as he questioned him.

Bright had dealt with rude criminals before but he had a feeling this man had truly done nothing. "How is your head Mr. Lombard?" Phillip shrugged, "It's dandy, can you tell?" Bright could sense his aggravation but remained decent and calm. "I know you're upset sir, but please remain civil, I want this case to be solved just as much as you do. Lombard relaxed and sighed, "I had no intention to hurt anyone but vera, the only one INtrusted shot me. She shot me and hung herself." Bright nodded, writing some notes on his notepad. Lombard slammed his fist on the table, startling Bright, "I want to find this killer and show them what it's like! To feel this despair and fear! Those people may have caused death but they hadn't meant to do it!"

Malcolm rested his hand over Lombard's and softly spoke, "It's alright Phillip, we're going to find this killer and the only thing they'll see for the rest of their life is a cell." Lombard's breath steadied and he nodded, "My apologies, sir." Malcolm smiled at him and stood to exit the room, "I promise that when we find more evidence we will immediately-" He was cut off by a sudden yelling from an officer "Mr. Bright! We've found the confession! The killer's confession!"

Lombard and Bright looked at one another and then took off running to the source of the yelling. The officer handed a letter to Malcolm, and he and Lombard sunk onto the couch and read it aloud for everyone to hear.


As bright finished the final words of the confession, he peered up at everyone in the room. He looked to Lombard and held the mans' hand once more, whispering quietly, "It's alright Phillip, we know who it is and he is now stuck in the one place he does belong, Hell." Lombard nodded and stood. "Where do I go now detective? Do I stay here? I have no property, no family to run to." Bright stood up, facing the man, "You shall stay in my home for now until we can confirm this is the real confession, I share it with my sister."

Lombard smiled and nodded "Only if you truly don't mind it, I shall stay with you detective." Malcolm helped the man out of the home and onto the boat. As the boat slowly started up, Lombard stared at the mansion as it shrank from his view. The hatred and fear slowly dispersed as land appeared. He escaped the nightmare of the home.

Another officer leaned to Bright and spoke quietly in his ear, "Are you sure you're alright with sharing a home with an alleged murderer?" Bright smiled, "I don't believe he's the killer anyway, I think Lombard and I will get along quite well." Lombard looked up and smiled at Malcolm's words. Perhaps he was right, maybe they will get along.


It had been two months since the incident. Malcolm Bright and Lombard were getting along just fine and the two men now shared a close bond. Malcolm's sister had moved out after Lombard settled in, she had not trusted the man at all. It was peaceful and normal.

Bright had just returned home, he stepped into the kitchen and greeted Lombard. "Afternoon, Phillip! How was your day?" Lombard smiled and gave the man a tight hug, "I'm quite alright, Malcolm. The day was as bland as the day before." Bright handed him a piece of paper as he sat at the dining table. "What is this, bright?" Lombard questioned as he sat across from him. "It's a little surprise for you Phillip!" Malcolm stated brightly.

The other man smiled at his friends excitement and read the report in silence. "Do you mean.... I'm free to go?" Lombard asked, "Yes sir! We proved that Armstrong was the killer and now you can leave if you'd like!" Lombard set the paper down and tightly held Bright's hand. "Thank you, Malcolm." he stood and stepped out of the room to gather his bags. Malcolm sat at the table quietly though. He knew Lombard was a man of privacy, he was quiet and kept to himself. He knew his stay would end but he didn't feel like letting him go quite yet.

Lombard walked back into the room with two large bags in his hands, "Are you alright, Malcolm?" he questioned as he stepped towards the seated man. Malcolm nodded and took one of his bags and helped him out of the small house. They both paused as they stood at his front door. Lombard dropped his bag and hugged Malcolm, "I had a mighty fine stay Malcolm, but all good things must come to an end." he chuckled. Malcolm nodded somberly and hugged his friend back. Then Lombard did something surprising for his usual dark, quiet characteristic, he silently gave Malcolm and sympathetic kiss on his cheek and backed away. "I hope we can meet again, Detective Bright." and he was gone, the final witness of the murders on Soldier Island.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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