Lemme Tell You About Highschool..

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Yes, I know. I have three other stories I'm working on, why write another? See, this one's based on a true story. So, it should be easy, right?(:



Freshman Year:

 Walking up the steps of a bus, has never been so scary to me. Looking around at all the people goofing off with friends was just a little overwhelming for me, because this is a new school, in a new town, and God knows I'm terrible at making friends. But hey, why would I want to go to the school that everyone in my 8th grade class goes to? Sure, I know them all, but they don't like me. I don't need that. 

Coming up on an empty seat, I threw my bag down, put my headphones in my ears, and drifted off to sleep. Waking up, I found that two little girls were sitting in the seat across the aisle from me. 

I adjusted my glasses, and sat up as they stared at me. 

"Do you think she's in elementary school, or middle?" one said to the other.

"I don't know.." said the other little girl, "she looks pretty big for both."

The bus stopped at a small building, letting a bunch of little kids off. I looked around to find that I was the only one left on the bus.

"Fuck." I said under my breath.

"Can I help you?" the bus driver, Jeff, said looking back at me through the mirror.

"Um, I think I missed my stop..." I said.

"Well, where're you supposed to be?" he said.

"The highschool." I said, "I fell asleep waiting for my stop."

He laughed, and said he'd drive me back there. On the way, he told me about a similar situation that happened the previous year. At the end of the day, a boy fell asleep on the bus, and missed his stop, and ended up staying the night on the bus.

I got off the bus, just as the bell was ringing for 1st period. I looked at my schedule, to find out that I had pre algebra in room 147. I ran around in a frenzy trying to find the right room, until I finally gave up and asked a teacher to walk me there.

I walked through the door, and found a seat close to the end of the room. I sat down and listened as people whispered and stared. Sure, I wasn't the prettiest at all, and yes, I was new, but I could tell this place was gonna be difficult to adjust to.

Finally, the teacher walks in and introduces himself.

"Hey everybody! My name's Mr. Smith, and we're gonna have fun this semester!" he said, as he grabbed a chair from the front of the room.

"Forget Algebra for today, let's just introduce ourselves!" he said cheerfully.

He started at the far corner of the room, which meant I would be last. That was the best part, because I've always been the quiet type, I hated talking in front of people.

When it was almost my turn, I hid my face, hoping he wouldn't notice me. Tragically, that didn't work. So, I sat up, looked around and started speaking.

"My name's Elizabeth, and I like music. That's pretty much it." I said quietly.

The bell rang for 2nd period, so I picked up my stuff and left. Standing in the hallway, I looked around until I saw a rest room. I walked in, but then walked right back out because it was packed full of girls putting on makeup, and texting. Thankfully, history class was right next door to algebra. I really didn't wanna have another teacher to escort me to class. Walking in and sitting down, I found that most of these people were just in the same class I had been in earlier. A tall guy walks in and sits in the seat across from mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2012 ⏰

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