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Hello, all who come across this book!

I hope you guys love it as much as I love writing it.

If you do, please be sure to vote, comment, and all that good stuff! :)

Copyright©2020 by Matthew Leong. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT II (2017) is the property of DICE AND EA

The characters of Star Wars and Star Wars: Battlefront II belong to Lucasfilm, Disney, DICE, and EA. No copyright infringement intended.

This book contains material protected under the international and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

Important Note: The characters of this book, with the exception of known Star Wars characters, are original characters created and owned by Matthew Leong. Any unauthorized use of them without the author's permission will be considered offensive and reported.

This basically means that if you steal any of my original characters, plot, title, or anything that belongs to me, I will send Han Solo and Chewbacca after you

WARNING: This story will/may contain the following content which may be uncomfortable for some readers: Adult language, violence, sexual content, character death, PTSD, spoilers, etc. Should any of these bother you perhaps this story isn't for you. Please proceed with caution as you have been warned.

Story Summary

After losing both her parents at the hands of Gideon Hask, Zay Versio joins the Resistance in the fight against the First Order. Despite being the daughter of two former Special Forces Imperial Stormtroopers, Zay has no love for the former Galactic Empire or the First Order. When she meets the Resistance's ace pilot, Poe, she feels a spark between them.

Poe Dameron is a starfighter ace. The best in the Resistance. Some might say the best in the galaxy. When he meets Zay he feels a connection with her. He has every right to be wary of her despite her past family ties, but he doesn't.

As the war between the Resistance and the First Order heat up, can these two starfighter pilots survive and find a way to live in a galaxy of peace?

Quick Note: This story spans between Episode VII: The Force Awakens & Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Also, I want mention that this story will not strictly follow the movies and I will be changing certain scenes.

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Before you guys delve into Beyond the Stars, I'd also like to say that Votes and Comments/Feedback is most enthusiastically welcome!

Did you love that chapter!? I hope you did! Show your support for the author by simply clicking the little VOTE button to the bottom left or top right of your screen! Have a wonderful day!

And now, without further Ado, I present to you Beyond the Stars.


BEYOND THE STARS → POE DAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now