The Vault of Heaven

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In addition to Chaos Sorcery, there are many other ways a being can be de-lighted, de-sired, and have his or her soul trapped

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In addition to Chaos Sorcery, there are many other ways a being can be de-lighted, de-sired, and have his or her soul trapped. Ironically, another technique that is rampant in the entertainment industry also corresponds with or-ange, a color associated with the Sun and the House of Nassau.

There are far better works than this book to delve into this particular subject, but this type of sorcery was declassified as Project MKUltra (Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassination) in the 1970's. Its name may have also been a play on 'mind,' the German word for 'control,' which is 'kontrolle,' the designation of 'ultra' (by the British) as the most secret classified of material during WWII, and the project's association with Nazi scientists from Operation Paperclip, which would make it the most secret mind-control technique. As we've covered, 'mind' comes from 'Min,' which is symbolical of the Moon.

Without digressing too much, Project MKUltra evolved into Monarch programming, the primary function of which is trauma-based mind-control through the implementation of paraphernalia, psychiatric and psychological abuse, hypnotism, sensory deprivation, electroshock, ritual sex abuse, and other forms of trauma, for the sake of creating dissociative identities, alter-egos, within the same subject, that can be activated by triggers, from phrases to other programmed cues, that will evoke the desired alter within the subject without any of the other alters knowing about it, creating Manchurian candidates that have unknowingly done the bidding of their handler, master, or archon, their one ruler: a monarch.

To be so naïve as to think there isn't a spiritual component to this is as grave a mistake as one could make, and just to satisfy the Deaf Phoenicians, we'll prove it. The Latin word 'psyche' means "animating spirit," and it came from the Greek word 'psykhe,' which is "the soul, mind, spirit; breath; life, one's life, the entity which occupies, animates, and directs the body," but also the "departed soul, spirit or ghost." In Ancient Greek, the symbol for 'psykhe' was a moth or a butterfly. Thus the very nature of Monarch programming is not just programming the mind, the psyche, but also the soul of the victim.

Splitting the psyche into multiple personalities, especially through black magick rituals, enables the conjurer to not only create a demon, a divided one, but also to invite other demonic entities to possess and feed off of each alter, something that we've previously covered in terms of obsession and willful desire. Some of the alters in the victim may be aware of each other, but some of the more innocent alters may have no idea that the other depraved ones exist.

How else did you think these multi-generational Satanic families were sustaining their power for thousands of years throughout every culture that's ever existed? A good business model? No. They program their own, and they even kill their own, the ones who refuse to go along with the hive-mind agenda. No one is born that depraved. Even those born into these families have the spark of God in them, and were they raised right, they'd grow up to be moral and never participate in this rape of humanity.

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