Author's Note: Hello!

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Hello there! Before you get started reading, I wanted to thank you for clicking on this fanfiction. I've put a lot of thought into it, and effort, and your time means the world to me. Thank you!

I think I should probably let you know that I am very, very new to the Star Wars fandom! As I write this note, I'm only on the first movie (the art effects are beautiful!). However, I've been reading the Wikipedia pages and am excited to learn more about this universe as I go along. With that being said, you can probably guess that I'm going into this fanfiction mostly blind for now.

I don't view this as a downfall. In fact, I feel that it gives me room to create what I want with these existing characters and this existing universe without the restraints of canon events weighing me down (alternate universes are difficult to write for me once I see something happen onscreen). I thought that maybe if I got the ball rolling now, I could probably do some unique tie-ins to the real storyline while also creating my own. I'm absolutely pumped about it!

So thank you, again, for taking your time to click on Legacy. Feel free to comment (I love talking to people!) and if you're shy, a favorite helps too. I hope you enjoy reading Gaia's story as much as I have writing it, and can ignore that I might get a fact wrong here and there. Now, on with the show!

- tmkwrites

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