Pyroar's Pride- continued

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The leader pyroar crept closer, with a fire-fang all charged up.all of a sudden, however, the sparkles bagan to shrink.with a puzzled look on his face, he crept closer.SPLAT! the pyroar stumbled back.the other pyroars ran too help their leader but they didnt see any way how.the leader pyroar used roar & fury swips to get the blue beast of his face . finally, the pokemon fell down & the pyroars was a shiny ditto. the ditto burst out in laughter.changing into a pyroar & mocking them as he "renacted" their hunt.the pyroars grew furious of the ditto,and used flamethrower-all at once-on him.the ditto flew in the air, turing into a wobbuffet as we grew smaller & smaller, disapering as a shiny speck.the pride, tired & hungry, staggered back to their home.where the female pyroars & litleos, had prepared a meal from the zebstrikas & blitzles the other pyroars brought back.

A/N- YAY! FIRST STORY DONE! U GET IT? HE TURNED INTO A WOBBEUFET WHEN HE BLASTED OFF? oh well, i thought it was funny.let me know what u think & what u think the next story should be about.BYE!

guys.plz give me story ideas.this story came to me in a dream & havent had any inspiration for ALONG time! Plz help!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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