The Most Powerful Miko**Inuyasha Fanfic**

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I guess I could tell you this strange story from the start.. But then again, that would be easier to explain, although I don't know much about it myself. My name is Kaori Yazawa, born on January 10, 1998. It all started when I was just an innocent baby. My mother was home taking care of me, while my father was on his way home. You see, the only reason they were together was for me, their "princess." Anyways, my dad was too late, you see.. It was weird, I didn't know their was such thing as ninja in this period. Maybe the Meji era, or even the feadal era, but that was centuries ago. They were after me, I think my mother knew I was different since I was born. Well, now I live in Tokyo with my Aunt Takome, who hasn't told me much about anything, she looks at me as if she was sorry for me and shrugged it off when I asked what was so special about me, anyway. It drives me crazy. Anyways, that's how I'm here. And I guess I should begin the story..

Oh shit! Looking at the time, 10am, I was already late for class. There was a test today and I already missed it. I quickly took a shower and put on my uniform, not forgetting my black and white-beaded necklace, the last thing my mother left for me.. My Aunt Takome told me it was very "sacrid" and was passed down through generations. Hence, the reason why I never forget to wear it. I grabbed my schoolbag, completly oblivious to the fact that I didn't eat breakfast, nor did I pack a lunch.

So as I tried to run through the two blocks to school, I noticed something...strange. First things is that my "sacred" necklace started to glow. Second, everything went still. No, I don't believe I was imagining things. I didn't have much of an imagination, anyway. It could've been the fact that I went to bed really late. I examined my surrounding and tried not to freak out. The cars were still, the birds were just floating, not moving an inch. I looked down at the necklace, which was still glowing. It flickered a couple times. Okay, who's idea was this? I picked the neckace up and stared at it. "Okay, necklace. If you are so "sacred" or whatever then tell me what the fuck is going on!" I screamed at it, blushing for a minute. Until I remembered that time was still.

Then I scenced movement behind me, don't ask me how. I quickly turned around to see an older version of me, staring at me with worried eyes. "Okay what's the deal? Who are you the only one not frozen?!" I asked. She flinched before answering. "Kaori..Where to start? Well, I am your mother. I am not frozen because..well.. I am the one who stopped time to talk to you." She glanced at me. I was shocked. No way in hell was this even possible! I'm probably just dreaming. "As if that could even be possible. You're dead. Remember? Why comw here at such a weird time to tell me this?" I asked, trying to sound brave and heroic or whatever like in movies, but for my luck I sounded like a 5 year old that lost her teddy bear. " Kaori, you must believe me, if not I can easlily erase your memory but the truth is.. you are not normal, daughter. That necklace protects you from all the demons, you must accept you have power. Deep inside your heart, you are pure as can be, but if you took your time you could finally realize it. You are truly a princess.. You are an angel." She seemed heroic or whatever when she said that. I didn't know how to react. " What do you mean "angel?" Note that I'm not dead.." "Kaori. Your spirit is of an angel. Now before I dissappear into the mist, I shall give you this," she handed me a set of arrows and a bow. "Believe me, this will do for now. You have to be strong. Fairwell, Kaori-chan." And that was it, poof. She faded into the fog, note that it was foggy that day. I stared at the bow and arrow for about 10 minuted and replayed all that she said. First of all, I don't have a clue how to use a bow and arrow. Second of all, I dont believe that I'm an angel and that there are demons anywhere, anyway.

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