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Damien had been going in and out of the house, he had been busy with his work. He didn't have that much time for Rosa. After the incident in his office, he thought he would stay away from her for a while due to not wanting to hurt her. He had been working in the city. Of course, he even stayed in the city in his luxurious penthouse.

Rosa knew he had another home in the city he used when he had too much work.

She also knew that was the place he brought his women to. Of course, she had never been there, just like the women have never been into the house rosa lives in.

After 3 weeks had passed, Rosa's birthday was coming up and she was excited. This was the one week that she was fully relaxed with Damien. He lets her do anything for a week. And he spends his whole week with her. He wasn't even mean he was soo nice to her. This was a tradition since she was 7 and he was 14. He couldn't buy her much back then, because of their financial situation. but ever since Damien became rich he brought her anything she put her eyes on.

But then the gifts rosa likes the fact that he will be spending time with her. It was what she looked forward to.


"Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday dear Rosaaaa...

Happy birthday to you"

Damien came into my room with a cupcake and I squealed in happiness. And rushed to hug him.

" you remembered!" My small voice gleeful.

" of course princess. How can I forget" Damien softly told me? His voice was so rough but it was softer than usual.

"Thank you Damien" I hugged his legs tighter.

" well, baby girl blow the candle and eat your cake. And after that get some rest because we will be celebrating for a whole week"

I gasped, "really?"

"really really Lil one. I won't be able to buy you anything big but anything you want to do tell me okay will try to do it for you" Damien knelt and put the cupcake in front of me to blow. I blew the candle and shared it with Damien and slept. And for that whole week, we hanged out as he promised. He took me to the park, zoo, aquarium, I got junk food every day. That whole week he spoiled me in the cheapest way possible but that was enough for me. Because that was the biggest anyone had done for me and I was happy.

End of Flashback

That was when she was 7.

She was soo excited.

Tomorrow was her birthday. She hoped he would come home today and surprise her at midnight. Like he usually did with a cupcake and one candle on it.

As the day finished and midnight came close she waited for him.

Except he didn't come that midnight.

She waited till 6 in the morning waiting for him. And he didn't come into her room. She went out of the room.

"Miss Rosa, Good morning" the cook greeted her. " how can I help you this morning?"

"Good morning, is Damien home yet?" Rosa asked the cook hoping for a positive answer.

The cook realized the dark circles around the teenagers' eyes but did not comment on them and replied, " umm miss, he left on a trip for a few days now miss"

Rosa's eyes widened. She whispered silently shocked, "S..s..since when?"

" a few days now miss" the cook answered alarmed now. Rosa started tearing.

Whenever Damien left he would always tell her. Especially for trips. He even takes her sometimes. He has never gone without telling her, especially on the week of her birthday.

She couldn't help tear.

"Miss are you okay?" The cook asked. The cook even came close and placed her hands and Rosas' shoulder for comfort.

"W... when will he back?" Rosa asked with tear-filled eyes.

"H... he..e won't be back till another week miss, do you need a doctor or something? Are you okay?"

" I'm okay" rosa tried to smile and she left back to her room. Leaving the cook worried, so the cook did what she and everyone in the house have been instructed to do if they see Rosa hurt. messaged Damien about the situation.

She walked into her phone and got on the bed feeling sad.

She had no one else in the world, except Damien. She feels abandoned.

Suddenly her phone beeped.

She ran towards it hoping it was Damien. And it was from him.

Damien- are you okay? Esmeralda just informed me you were crying?

Esmeralda was the cook.

Rosa quickly replied.

Rosa- u..um. you left and didn't tell me.

Damien- is that why you're sad?

Rosa- yes! It is also my birthday remember? We always hang out together.

There was silence in the call.... and Damien replied snapping at her,

Damien- stop being such a damn brat Rosa. I have no obligations to tell you where I'm going. And grow the fuck up I can't always be around for shit like birthdays I don't owe you anything or need to do anything for you.

Rosa then heard another voice in the background. A voice of a woman was heard in the background.

'baby come back to bed, you just left me dripping-'

Rosa hung up not wanting to hear more.

She just stood there staring at her phone. She didn't know how to react. He was always there for her. And now he's in another country with another girl on the day she looked forward.

'His right' she thought to herself. 'He has no obligation to do anything for me. I shouldn't have expected anything from him'

She didn't know what else to do that day. She only knew Damien. She didn't have friends or any family. She was all alone on the day she thought she wouldn't be alone.

So she cried herself to sleep at 6 am, on the day of her birthday.

Meanwhile in London. Damien was staring at the phone. He too didn't know what to do.

He completely forgot about her birthday worst part was without apologizing he snapped at her.

He was trying to figure out why he felt this way.

He didn't know what regret and guilt felt like ever in his life.

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