Loving You (boyxboy)

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~WARNING~ This story contains boyxboy romance & if you don't like it then don't read it. Simple as that. I will rarely have a restricted or sexual scene. If I do it won't be posted in the chapters but you will be able to read it on my profile page. Please no hate mail. If I find one, it will be deleted.

Please enjoy the story!

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******Kyle's POV******

A new foster home.

Surprise, surprise!


I sighed as I got out of my social workers car. I stepped down onto the pavement and grabbed my bag. I brought very little stuff to my new homes because it would be a hassle to carry everything from place to place.

I looked up at the house and was shocked. The damn building has three stories. All the other homes I had been to only had one floor. The house was painted a beautiful light blue with a white door. The lawn was well trimmed and there was a gorgeous cooble-stone path leading to the front door.

Maybe Ashley drove to the wrong house.

"Um.... Ashley, is this the right house?" I asked quietly. She looked at her paper-work and then back to me.

"It's the right place." I could tell that she was shocked as well.

I looked back to the house and reluctantly followed after Ashley. She stepped up to the door and knocked 3 times. The door opened a little later to reveal a pretty woman, probably in her late thirties. She had straight black hair that came down to the middle of her back. Her pale blue orbs captured my attention and she smiled widely at me.

"Oh my. You must be Kyle! I'm so happy to welcome you into my home!" she said brightly.

I just stared at her in shock. I had expected her to be like all the others. Cruel and hateful. Only in this for the checks she would be sent monthly. But no, this woman looked like she actually wanted me here.

That would be a first.

Ashley noticed my quietness and nudged me in the ribs. I snapped out of it and blushed a deep red.

"Uh...yes. I'm Kyle and you must be my new foster mum." I said quietly.

"Oh, please, call me Lily." she said happily.

Lily had already signed the paperwork before hand so Ashley just told me to behave and then she left. I followed Lily inside and looked around.

Damn, these people must be loaded with money! The interior of the house was amazing and I can't even begin to describe it for you.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and when the person came into view, I nearly fainted at the sight of the person.

It was a boy about my age. He had jet black hair like Lily and was cut like a scene kid. His eyes were a pale blue and his skin was a pale white. He had a peircing in his lip and it made him look so sexy. He wore black skinny-jeans and a black hoodie.

God, he is sexy!

He looked at me with his captivating blue eyes and my legs became jello. I was falling but was caught by strong, muscular arms. I looked up and found that it was Mr. Sexy who ahd caught me.

"Are you alright?" he asked quickly. I simply nodded and looked into his eyes once again. The boy righted me on my feet but my legs were still jello beneath me. His arms reached out for me again.

He looked at Lily and told her that he would take me to my new room. She nodded in worry and the boy carried me upstairs. When we got to the third floor, he stopped by a white door. He pushed it open, walked in, and put me on the bed that was in the center of the room.

"Are you okay?" he asked me again. I nodded and he laid down beside me.

"My name is Alex. You must be Kyle." he said with a small smile on that beautiful face of his. Alex. I like that name. It suits him well.

I nodded slightly and my hair fell in my face. Alex reached up and pushed the strands out of my face. His hand rested on my cheek and he looked into my hazel eyes. He flickered his gaze down to my lips then back up to my eyes, as if asking permission to do what I had already wanted him to do. I nodded again and he leaned in closer to my face.

His hot breath tickled my face and a shiver ran down my spine. Alex noticed and smiled, probably proud that he could make me react to him like this. He crashed his lips to mine and kissed me. The kiss was gentle but passionate and I was loving every minute of it. He slowly pulled back and smiled at me. His forehead was resting on mine as he looked into my eyes again.

I closed my eyes slowly and eventually fell asleep in his warm embrace. 

I woke up with his arms still wrapped around me. I looked over and noticed that he had fallen asleep as well and was still sleeping. His breathing was even and his features were calm yet still as beautiful as ever. I stared at him for a while and grinned when he woke up.

His eyes were still glazed over with drowsiness. He yawned and stretched like a cat. When he was done, he looked to me and leaned in yet again. This kiss was just as passionate as the last and still didn't know what this made us. I mean, we had only met each other just a few hours ago and we were already sharing our second kiss.

He pulled away and sat up, pulling me with him. He led us downstairs and into what looked to be a kitchen. Lily was at the stove cooking and when we came in, she looked over and smiled like she knew something.

"Hey guys. How was your sleep?" she asked and our eyes widened. Did she know?

"It was fine." Alex said, trying to sound casual but I knew he was nervous. Lily smirked and replied with,

"Oh, I bet it was."

Yep, she definately knew something was up. She gestured towards the table and told us to take a seat. My body was rigid as I sat down next to Alex. She sat across from us and folded her hands on the table in front of her.

"Care to explain something to me boys? Is there anything I should know?" she asked. Alex glanced over to me then back to her. We both stayed silent as she stared us down.

"Oh, really. So there is nothing you want to confess?" she said. We stayed silent, still.

"How about I start you off? Can you tell me why I walked in Kyle's room to find you asleep in each others arms?"

No reply.

She sighed and said, "Look guys, if you want to be together, that is perfectly fine. I would be so happy for the both of you. I'm not mad and I'm not disappointed. I will love you both no matter what. Okay?"

We nodded and she smiled. I felt something warm incase my hand that was under the table. I looked down to see that Alex was holding my hand. I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips, right in front of Lily.

I blushed crimson and looked down at my lap.

"Well we are gonna go back upstairs." Alex said.

"Be safe!" she said. I knew what she meant and she laughed as I blushed a deeper red. Alex dragged me upstairs and into my room. We sat down on my bed and I looked at him.

"Um... Alex, what does this make us?" I asked.

"I don't know but I do know that I like you, even after just one day of us knowing each other." he said, quietly. I smiled and laid my head on his chest.

I'm begining to like this new home.

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes. I didn't have time to edit.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2012 ⏰

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