Parent Problems

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I've never been close to my parents. I can't talk to them for anything, because they'll end up taking it the wrong way... No matter what it is! I'm sick and tired of the abuse, luckily I can hide most of my bruises.. But if it's on my face, well people all around me already know what goes on at home. They are strict, and just uptight. They are addicted to alcohol and drugs, it really seems to fuck them up.

I can't stand all the yelling, the fighting. 

I can't even fight back anymore, I can't take it.. It brings me down.. Especially, because I know what will happen.

Anyway, I've got a story for you..

I came home from school one day, and I had a REALLY bad day. When I walk into that house, I was crying. You know who was standing in front of the door when I was coming in? My mother.. Kids were walking around on the side walks outside my house to get home. You know what she did? She told me that I needed to get the fuck out of the house. As she slapped me across the face, the teenagers began to laugh at me. I start to scream at her, trying to confront her. I told her how bad of a mother she was and everything. Next thing I know, I sat in humiliation as she laughed at how 'pathetic' I was being. I ran past her slamming the door, still crying. I switched my lamp of and sat in the darkest corner of my room, terrified of her. Terrified of the world. What people thought of me. I doubted myself and everything. I bashed myself, and continued to make me feel even worse.

As I sat there and thought to myself, running away came into my mind.

Oh how badly I wanted to escape this place. I made plans and everything, but never made a move. What if they found me? Haha, as if they'd even look for me. They'd most likely be proud I left.. 

That or, they would find me only to make my life even worse than it is. 

Wouldn't you hate to have parents like mine? 

No one deserves to go through this, it's insane. 

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