Story 1

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Hello there my name is Mia I'm 17 years old and imma tell you my story about people bullying me because I was different.
I was only 17 years old I was in love with my best friend. Well use to be best friend still everything changed. It all started when i told her I liked her. I was scared she didn't feel the same way because in my school everybody was straight. Nobody ever seen a lesbian couple in are school. Anyway I told her and I was surprised when she told me she liked me too. Few day later we stared dating out of school because we didn't know how the school would take it.But honestly I didn't care what tf the school though of us but she did she was one of the most popular girl in school. I stared talking about how I wanted to tell everybody at school that we were dating. But every time I brought it up she would always change the subject which got annoying because I though she really didn't wanna be in a relationship with me. So I finally told her " I'm tired of hiding are relationship from the school is either we tell them or its over!" Yes I know I over reacted but thank god she said tell the school because I really didn't wanna lose her at all.

On Monday we told everybody that we were dating but showing them that we were holding hands. Everybody was so surprised there faces were like they never seen someone holding hands. Everybody stared asking if we were dating and all we kept saying was yes haha. Few days past everybody was fine they were kool with with. Nobody had a problem with us instill someone in lunch said "how do yall even like each other girl can't like other girls! It's not right!" After that we stared getting hate because they thought what she was saying was right but it wasn't right it just like dating a guy they have the same feeling but we don't have penis.


Weeks past by we were still getting a lot of hate. One of the second most popular girl (violet was the 1st Mia girlfriend) said you have to choose be with that lesbian 😒 or be popular. And the thing that most hurt me was that violet choose to be popular than be with someone who she loved.


I was the only that was getting bullied at this point violet didn't even talk to me. She was one of the people who bullied me because I was lesbian. Even tho she was lesbian to. Anyway I was getting a lot of hate people texting me "kik yourself" "nobody want you" "get out of this school lesbo haha" I was getting really tired of all this every single day. I would always come crying home. Then going straight to my blaze. It got even worse each day when I finally got tired of it. That same day I got home went straight to my bed room got a rope and hong my self. It wasn't fun to get made fun of because of who you were. It was the most pain ever so I killed my self at least we're I'm going I'll be loved...

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