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 "Straight flush! Beat that!" Kendou yelled, slamming her hand down on the table.

Monoma smirked and showed his hand. "Royal flush."

"He cheated! He had to!" "Prove it!" The two continued squabbling until someone pushed them apart. Kendou flipped the table over and stormed off while Monoma smugly sat back in his chair.

"Monoma wins." Said the person who pushed them apart.

It was a girl, the same age as the other two, around 14. She had long black hair that cascaded over her shoulders and dull green eyes. Swirls of white patterned her skin, sparkling as she moved.

Watching from the corner were others, all around their age, except for three of them, each one a recognizable pro hero. Present Mic, UA's English teacher, Lunch Rush, UA's cook, and Power Loader, the support course teacher.

The girl turned to the crowd and each of them stood up straight. Kendou slinked back into the room and reluctantly took her place among the others. Monoma stood next to the girl, a proud smile painted across his face.

"Monoma will be the one to begin the attack tomorrow. The rest of you are to only come when called. Remember who our enemy is and be careful not to reveal too much about yourself, whether you are going under cover or not."

The others nodded to the girl. "Yes, Lena." They echoed. Lena nodded and made her way to the corner of the room. She sat down next to a green haired boy and smiled over at him. Everyone else went back to what they had been doing, mostly gambling or training, or some strange mixture of the two.

"Exited?" She nudged the boy gently. "The big day is finally here. Sorry it took so long, but, by this time tomorrow, you should have a quirk, and a strong one as well."

Izuku looked up at her and smiled widely. "Yeah! I can't wait!" Lena laughed and ruffled the boy's hair affectionately. Her hand dropped and she stared up at the ceiling.

"To think, soon, you'll be the strongest here. I bet you could even take down Yuri!" Izuku laughed and shook his head.

"No, Yuri's quirk is too strong, and perfectly suited for defense. We haven't found a quirk yet that can break his force fields but my quirk will be the most powerful strength quirk we've seen, though we don't quite know how it works. If it's an energy store and release then..."

Lena nudged the boy. "You're mumbling again. We'll find out how the quirk works after you get it, don't worry about it. We can do it. You can do it."

Izuku smiled up at her. "And you'll be there too! With you there, there's nothing that can go wrong!"

Lena laughed again and hugged the boy. "That's right, Ace, that's right."


All Might ran through the sewers, following the green slime villain. He followed it up to the surface, ad saw it attacking a young, green haired boy. He used his quirk to punch the villain, and to save the boy, who lay unconscious at his feet.

The boy's eyes slowly opened and he looked up at the hero. His eyes shot open in shock and he slide backwards, mouth wide open and eyes bulging.

"All Might!" he yelled, reaching out to grab his notebook from the floor, "Wow! You're m y favorite hero! Please sign my notebook!" The book fell open and the boy saw All Might's signature scrawled across the page.

The hero started to leave, ignoring the boy, now muttering something about it being a family heirloom.However, before he could get very far, he felt a weight on his leg. He looked down to see the boy, clinging to his leg.

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