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Lacey stood in the house and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. She heard a knock at the door and stood up and answered it. She saw Tom and sighed as she looked to him "what do you want Tom I am not in the mood for it?" She said as he sighed "we need to talk" he said as she looked to him as he walked inside "sure just come on in" she said. "Alexis is threatening to tell rose about us" he said as Lacey rolled her eye "so what Tom, I am pregnant again. It is only going to be an amount of time before she finds out the truth" Lacey said "she can't know the truth" Tom said as Lacey looked to him and sighed "okay; so she can't know? Tell me just what is the plan. Do you ignore it all and hope it goes away and let me raise this baby alone as I am not doing that. I didn't get myself pregnant. Alexis is right. Rose needs to know" Lacey said

Tom looked to Lacey and sighed "I will tell her, I swear I will it's just all a mess that is all" he said as she looked to him and nodded. She didn't know if she could trust him. She knew it was a mess and that she was scared. She didn't want to be left alone with the baby. She was scared and she didn't know what to do. She was scared over being abandoned. She ran her hands through her hair and smiled "you need to decide what you want Tom as I won't be second best, I can't be. I need to put this baby first and I won't let you hurt it like your hurting me as your breaking my heart" she said as he nodded


Lacey sighed to herself as she got to the hospital for her scan. She smiled as she saw Alexis who went with her. Alexis looked to her and smiled "hey, are you okay" Alexis asked as Lacey sighed "I don't know. My head is a mess and I'm scared. I'm scared that Tom is going to end up breaking my heart I mean. I have asked him time and again to tell rose over us and he won't. All I want for him is to be honest. I don't know if I can trust him and I know that deep down. He is going to end up breaking my heart and I am not prepared to face it" she said as Alexis looked to her and smiled "I promise that no matter what happens with you and tom that I am here for you and so is mum. You will always have your family" Alexis said as Lacey smiled


Lacey sighted to herself as she stood in her room as she stood packing a few stuff as Alexis walked in and frowned "what's going on? Why are you packing" she asked "it's for the best lex. I'm leaving Rochdale. I can't do it anymore" lacey said as Alexis frowned. She was prepared to loose her sister because Tom was too coward to admit how he felt

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