Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

My worst nightmare...who would have thought me out of all people would be caught (literally) in a situation like this? I hated my life. Having one leg did not have its perks and it definitely did not teach me anything. My dreams had been crushed (again literally) just like my leg. March 28, 2008 was the worst day of my life. 

What was I supposed to do? Sit around and do nothing for the rest of my life? I couldn't go to school, because I couldn't walk around. Every dream I had ever had of becoming a singer was destroyed the moment that my leg collided with the glove box. All I could remember was the paramedics running around frantically saving my mother and little sister. I was the last one to leave the crippled car leaving with my crippled leg. The next minute I heard police sirens and paramedics surrounding me, there was so much blood. My sister was calling out for me and I was calling out for her but they pulled us in separate directions. As they loaded me into the ambulance I caught a glimpse of my mum, her blonde her now dyed red by the blood gushing from her forehead. It all had seemed like a dream but it was real. The next minute I was lying in a hospital room with various tubes attached to my arms, but something felt definitely wrong. I reached down to grab the blanket that covered my legs I ripped the blanket off to discover that I was missing one. I screamed in terror and a nurse came running in. She said it was the only thing they could do to save me because my leg had been so badly torn up. I cried for days not knowing what to do. My mum was in hospital for weeks and so was I. My sister was the lucky one, only 2 broken ribs and a cut on her head. If only I had been her.

I hated my life with one leg. After about 2 months my mum decided to take me to a specialist to see if I could get a fake leg. Turns out I could, so you know, I got a fake leg. After three weeks of OT and trying to adapt to this new foreign object that had been shoved onto my remaining stump of a leg, Mum said that it was time for me to return to school, where the real challenges began.

Surprisingly no one at school had commented on my new 'leg' but I guess they could read all about that on Facebook. I'm so glad I had three faces that would never leave me, Jodi, Jessica and Troy. They were and still are my three best friends and I don't know what life would be like without them. They helped me climb stairs, helped me jog/walk in HPE and also attempt to swim (without the leg of course). This is truly what friends meant to me.

After finishing Grade 11 it was time for the biggest and I'm not exaggerating the biggest year of my life! I'm not just speaking about Grade 12, but the fact that 2012 was the year that changed me into another person. It was the year I met...LADY GAGA.

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