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Winter dashed for the desk and ducked down behind it as ice shards pierced the other side. A few went through the desk and poked out the other side by at lest two centimeters. Winter - who's face was close to the desk - moved back in horror.

She could tell that the snow user was getting closer but there was nothing she could do with the ice shards raining down on her. She looked across the room to her left. By the doorway, Ren hid behind a desk tipped over similarly to hers, with his stomach wound gushing a large amount of blood out of it. He held onto his stomach as he thrust something over to her.

Winter caught it on reflex to find herself looking at a cane with Chinese Dragons decorated atop of it in flourishing golden outlines. It was one of those old fashioned cane where there was no curved tip but a red or emerald jewel on top of where the palm was supposed to go. In Winter's case, the gem was a black sapphire. She glanced over at Ren, confused and shook her head in not understanding. Ren made a gesture in the air, both his hands moving away from each other. He pointed at the handle and did the gesture again.

Winter understood. She held onto the cane's handle and pulled it away from the base and found herself gazing at a beautiful long sword in her right hand and the cane, otherwise known as the scabbard, in her left hand. She quietly placed the scabbard down onto the cold bloodied floor and took a firm grip on the sword in her hand.

She took a deep breath and turned to peak over the desk. The user was still walking her way but had already stopped using the ice shards - probably thinking that Winter was already down.

Winter jumped over the desk in one smooth movement and headed for the girl.

Winter Falls: The UGR - OnholdWhere stories live. Discover now