1.} Strange Dream.

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"Louis! Put him down you'll kill him!" She screamed in terror, seeing the color of his face slowly fade away. It was horrifying to see, especially since he didn't realize what he was doing.

Killing the one he loved most.


They sky shifted colors. Blue and radiant soon turned light grey and soft. Back in Cheshire, we never worried about dark days, only rainy ones. This place was just sad. No sunlight. No happy weather. No nothing. Just a place that always seemed to be down in the dumps. "Gemma! Stop that!" my mum shrieked. Gemma had been scouting the boxes for her stuff instead of just bringing them in.

I shook my head and walked down a sidewalk towards our mailbox. There was a small breeze, it felt nice. Not too cold. The breeze forced my to put my blue head scarf on, my curls flying in every direction. I took a good look at my surroundings, lots of ordinary houses, spread apart from each other and bushes.

I didn't enjoy this place much. None of my family did.

You might be asking why we moved if we knew we wouldn't like this place anyway. Well it's because of stupid infestations that began happening in Cheshire. Roaches and bugs invaded our house and practically compelled us to move. It was for the best though. I'd rather wake up to the sound of wind than to two humongous roaches crawling on my stomache.

"Harry, come in! It's getting a bit chilly. And I said quit doing that Gemma!" I laughed quietly, my family always made me happy. No matter what. "Kayyy!"

After unpacking my things and setting everything up, I laid on my window seat and looked out. I had the medium sized room upstairs, so I saw nothing but roofs and trees. There was nothing for me to look at so I closed the curtains and sat at my desk. Research about this place would kill time.

As I typed in 'Everwood', many stories of bird population decreasing for one year and incredibly increasing the next showed up. Others of extreme weather change in 1500. Apparently the weather had always been sunny and bright, then out of nowhere, everything suddenly... snapped. It's been called The Snap since. A huge storm hit Everwood and the weather has always been grey and soft ever since.

It amazed me how incredibly strange these phenomenas were, even scientists were confused, but concluded that it was the gravitational pull on this specific town. There's no proof to support that, but they closed the case anyway. It was pretty amazing. Other than that, the birds were consistently decreasing and increasing. This year the bird population was low, they say that March 31st is the season they come back in an enormous flock.

"Hi sweetie, what are you looking at?" I jumped and sighed at the sight of my mother. "You scared me mum. And nothing much, just researching about this place." She squinted her eyes and hummed, "Ahh, yes. The strange 'Walls' case. Pretty cool huh?"

"You know about this place?" I asked curiously. "Well duh, you think I wouldn't research about the place we're moving to? This place has many mysteries, but it's cool, right?" She poked my side and laughed at the way I violently flinched.

"Anyway, get your stuff prepared remember? Tomorrow's your first day." I groaned and leaned back. I hated school more than anything, but a new one?! Just great.

"No complaining! I'm gonna make dinner at five so be hungry by six okay? Love ya." She kissed my cheek and walked out of my room. I hated the fact that I had to make new friends and memories in this stupid town. I laid in my bed and decided to take a quick nap.

After a nice nap and a very delicious dinner, I sat in my 'Cozy Corner' as I liked to call it, and read a book about a love triangle. Lucy fell in love with Arthur, but also Arggie. She ended up going with Arthur. I had bundled up in my blanket when I my suddenly felt eyes droop. It was as if I had never slept in my life. My body went limp, my thoughts went fuzzy, it was all so abrupt.

I woke up a few seconds after, or at least I thought I did. Everything was black, the only light shining on a figure far away. It had its back turned and it was wearing a black tank top with black skinny jeans. I could only see the back side though, so i didn't know if it was a boy or girl- i'm pretty sure it was a boy. My immediate thought was that i was lucid dreaming. I tried flying, running, making a dog appear- but nothing.

Just the figure.

I soon realized I could only walk, my body only being capable of it.As I got closer, the figure began turning around.

I saw it was a him. He was gorgeous. His hair looked soft to the touch and his eyelashes were long and curled. His lips were thin and full, and his cheekbones sharp and his nose just perfect. His skin was pale and smooth, and his body shape was what ones would call 'goals'. I got closer and stopped. "Hello?"


That's his name.

I don't know where that information came from. It was as if I knew him. But I didn't. This wasn't some long-lost-childhood-lover-who-moved-and-was-searching-for thing, this was a  random human I just happen to know.

The figure turned all they way. I admired his beauty for a second, his eyes blue and sharp. "Do you trust me?" his raspy light voice, full of accent, caught me off guard. "What?" I whispered. "Do you trust me?" He asked again.

I didn't hesitate with my answer. I felt safe and comfortable near him. Even though I didn't know him. I just felt safe. "Yes, I do." His thin lips curved up into a smile, "Good. Thank you." A bright light began shining down, I squinted my eyes to shield them from the extreme brightness.

I panicked.

I'm not sure why.

I just wanted to stick with him, to be with him forever, to stay by his side and never leave. I wanted him. I couldn't see much due to the light. I wanted to cry and cling to the boy who stood in front of me- somewhere. Just as the light began to be too much, I heard him say something that made my worries disappear,


I gasped and sat up, panting heavily. Everything was dark, the only sound being soft howls from the wind. I quickly stood up, my eyes adjusting to the dark after a bit of standing. Who was Louis? Why was he so beautiful? Why do I want him? "Harry? Why'd you turn the lights off? Are you tired already?" She asked, flicking the lights on. I checked my clock and realized it had been 2 hours since dinner.

" No no, I mean yes, I'm tired, I was just about to brush my teeth since tomorrow's a new day you know? So uh-"

"Oh! Yes of course! I'll be leaving now, goodnight Haz." She walked towards me and kissed my cheek before turning off the lights and shutting the door. I sighed and walked into my bathroom. I spent 2 hours in that weird place? But it felt like 10 minutes... I looked at myself in the mirror just to make sure I didn't have any weird marks like in the movies.

After thoroughly checking that I didn't, I stripped of my clothes and took a quick shower. Seeing as how I really did have a school day tomorrow, I put my boxers on and slipped quickly into bed. I fell into a drowsy state in a matter of seconds, not something unusual as I tend to sleep rather quickly. But Louis still stuck in my head the whole time.

Who was he?

Was he important?

Was he even real?

Did he even know me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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