welcome to bible study we're all children of jesus

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the boys of led zeppelin had decided to throw an e p i c party, and lots of drugs and al c o hA wl had been brought. most of the alcohol and drugs were for the band's satan-obsessed, crackhead guitarist by the name of jimmY pAge. lots of musicians had been invited, including the new band ac/dc, who had a lead guitarist who was the epitome of crackhead, even though he despised drugs. everyone was scared of angus young, and peter grant had warned the lads to try to do drugs in private where angus young couldn't find them. jimmY was especially terrified of angus young because of how jimmY would always be hiding heroin in his pockets. "oh shit oh fuck" jimmY said when peter told him about angus young. "what am i supposed to do?" robert put a hand on jimmY's shoulder. "just dig a massive hole and bury yourself in it and do drugs there." he said. "easy as fuck, bro." jimmY looked at robert with a surprised expression on his face. "oh my god you're a genius" he exclaimed, gasping. suddenly, mlg glasses appeared on robert. "yea, i know." he said. "i'm smarter than all of the other dumbass bitches here, you included." and without hesitation, robert turned around and sass-walked away. "ight imma head out." robert said as he sass-walked away from the scene. jimmY rolled his eyes and left the building and then he used some kind of cool form of witchcraft to dig a massive hole. jimmY straight up yeeted himself into the hole and took out a bag of heroin and inhaled the bag. "delicious" he said. within seconds, jimmY was full of epic energy and then he was flying around oh my god how cool is that

jonesy saw jimmY flying around in the sky and he pointed up at the sky. "oh my god it's a bird! it's a plane! wait, no...it's superman!" he exclaimed in a childlike manner. peter townshend, who had also joined the party, stared at jonesy blankly. "that's not superman, you fo ol." he said angrily before suddenly taking his guitar out of nowhere and aggressively beating jonesy to death with it until jonesy was nothing but a pile of blood and guts. "oh my god you killed jonesy!" bonzo exclaimed. "you bastard!" pete turned his head around 360 style and stared at bonzo. "this isn't south park you dumbass" he said darkly. "what kind of world are you in?"

moments later, jimmY fucking crashlanded into the ground, blood going everywhere. "jesus christ this isn't supposed to be happy tree friends" pete said in surprise before snapping his head back to normal. suddenly, jimmy started levitating and his eyes started glowing red, and the blood disappeared. "what the fuck did you do to jonesy" he demanded before taking out a gun. "now you must die" pete raised his hands in surrender before jonesy suddenly started reforming. "haha lmao i'm alive bitches" he said as mlg glasses appeared on him. suddenly, angus young appeared out of nowhere. "do i smell d R U g S?" he asked, eyes widening. "jimmY, run now." bonzo whispered. jimmY turned around and didn't see angus at first because of how short he was so then he looked down and saw angus. jimmY let out a high-pitched feminine screech and suddenly sprouted demon wings and he started flying away so he could get out of there as soon as possible before angus could beat the living shit out of him. jimmY started demonically ca-cawing like a possessed crow as he flew away. suddenly, angus grew angel wings and started flying after jimmY while everybody watched. "bruh he finna die." jonesy murmured as he looked up at the sky.

what am i doing with my life

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