Draft 1

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My name is Melissa Rose A. Ledesma. Just saying. Not that it matters, since this is about Nik Ortiz-a most treasured friend of mine. We met each other not too long ago, when I transferred to PUP Manila last year.

The whole class was surprised to have somebody transferring that late-at the third year, and just as the second semester began. While everybody welcomed me warmly and made sure I wouldn't feel ostracized, it was a given that they already had established groups of friends which... would be pretty difficult for an outsider to penetrate. It didn't help that I grew up in a largely different culture from them, so I ended up pretty much condemning myself towards living the life of a lone wolf-that is, until he came to my rescue.

I still clearly remember the very first words he spoke to me that day:

"Naniniwala ka ba sa reincarnation?"

That's a question you don't get to hear every day, yet he blurted that one out so casually and literally as soon as he sat beside me. Like... where on earth did that even come from? I might've looked like some nerdy-ass girl since I looked like such a loner but hey, I'm not!

I mean, I was never a nerd. But I definitely was a loner, yes.

(cries in Spanish)

As much as he didn't quite make a good first impression to me, I have to admit that he got me a little intrigued so I tried to see what he was up to...

Who am I kidding. I actually just had nobody else to talk to.

"Uhm... Why'd you ask?" I hesitantly replied.

His eyes widened and suddenly, his tiny chinito eyes weren't so tiny anymore. He was speechless for a second there, until he muttered something under his breath:

"GG. Mapapasabak yata ako sa English."

I totally didn't expect his reaction and it was so funny I almost LOLed-except I didn't. Since I wanted him to believe I didn't understand that one, I did my best to keep a straight face and to act confused. He then asked for a chance to redeem himself.

"Wait lang, take two."

He cleared his throat and repeated his question to me-in English this time, but with a remarkably Tagalog accent.

"Do you belib in reincarnation?"

"Hmm... Why'd you ask?" I also repeated; rather amused, this time.


"Hindi ka ba talaga marunong mag-Tagalog?"

I gave him another confused face.

"I'm sorry...?"

He scratched his head.

"Sige, neks time nalang siguro."

He seemed quite disappointed and was already about to stand up and walk away, when a realization dawned on me. I suddenly remembered that idiom that goes:

"Having one weird friend on your side is still a hundred times better than having none."

(Said not a single introvert, ever.)

Kidding. Of course, I just made that one up.

"Ch-char lang!" I said, in attempt to stop him from leaving.

(insert awkward x nervous laugh here)

Just like that, his downcast face lit up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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