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Freda's POV

it was the morning and my husband and I were woken up by tony, rudolf and Anna— announcing that the whole house is vampire ready and that we are Able to come up stairs until Tony's parents arrive back home. Oh tony, I never thought we would meet another nice human after the 1940's. He was understanding and respectful: I wish I could tell his parents thank you for raising a nice boy and a nice daughter.

And Vivian, what a special girl. I don't know much about her but the way she affected Gregory in such a small time, any mother would be happy. It was small things, how Gregory touched her hair and talked to her. He hasn't done that in over 130 years. My poor oldest son, he was never the same after transforming (transforming in puberty isn't good) he was always sad and closed off. He didn't believe anything in the world was good anymore. I haven't seen him laugh or smile since he laid eyes on Vivian.

After the 3 little ones woke us up, my husband and I gave each other our morning kiss and went to open Gregory's crate which was empty.

"Where is he" my husband says in a low growl, he was always the stern one with the children
And call it mother's intuition but I had a feeling I know where he was
"Where's the girl" Fredrick asks again looking at tony
"Vivian? I don't know. She didn't come back last night until late. But the door was locked and her shoes were by the front door. She's probably in her room"
My husband eyes hit the realization of where our son is and starts up in the stairs 2 by 2
"Dad" Anna calls and we all rush After him
"I told him not to harm her" he looks back at us

What you must understand is my husband 1) doesn't trust our oldest because Gregory has always had a taste for human blood 2) my husband doesn't see what I see between Gregory and Vivian

"Dad I doubt he's even in there" rudolf announces while we climb the second set of stairs
"You can't just go into her room!" Tony cries "that's invasion of privacy my mom says!"

We are at the end of the hallway and we all stand there quiet. Fredrick starts to take a step forward and I grab his wrist
"Don't do something you're going to regret. Something going to embarrass this family or your son" I give him a fair warning

We all stand out side the door and hear something I never thought I would hear again...Gregory's laughter. It made my heart grow bigger and my tears almost in my eyes. It's been too long.

Everyone is frozen with the same feeling as I am, Besides poor tony who is as confused as ever. We all stand there and listen more to Gregory's and Vivians conversation and their laughs.

"You're like super old" Vivian laughs "what's the worst food you've ever had to try"
"Oh there's so many" my son chuckles "maybe pickled beets! No matter how old I get I can't seem to like them"
Vivian laughs more and so does my son
"Gregory" we all hear Vivian though the door
"Will you remember me when you transform back to human"
"Oh love, I don't think anything will Ever make me forget you." And there's a silence and small noises, our que to leave

I grip my husbands arm
"Let's go" I mouth and we all head down to the houses living areas
"He's different" I say once we get to the kitchen
"How mother" Anna asks
"He has hope again" I smile because I know my children are going to be okay

The little Vampire- lust Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant