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My hands are clammy as I move through the crowded dance floor, the alcohol in my blood dances to the beat and I want to join. The bass shakes the ground, my hips swaying slightly. I was supposed to be searching the faces for the one belonging to my roommate, Shay, but I have always been one to be distracted easily. Her words run through my head, doing somersaults and spins like a dance number, "If you get lost, go to the front of the dance floor and I will find you there! I don't want you alone tonight, your hormones are wild and your breakup wound is new. No one night flings or dirty make-outs while we fix what Nate did to you!" Pssh, Nate. His face flashes behind my closed eyelids, rage and sadness wash over me. Fuck Nate. I jerk my eyes open, running my hands through my hair. I move freely for the first time in 3 long years. One night flings? Like I would ever, cmon shay. My subconscious rolls her eyes and I roll my hips. Just as the song changes, I catch a devilish stare shooting from the bar top over towards me. A man stands with a drink in one hand and buries his other in the pocket of his jeans. My eyes trail over the lower half of his body, oh boy did those jeans fit him in all the right places. Something about a man in a good pair of jeans always teased me with desirable thoughts. I watch amusingly, my body still in tune with the music, as he lifts his cup to his lips. Even with the distance I can tell that they are soft and I bet they taste so sweet. My skin buzzes and I am sure I am glowing a bright, golden aura. He brings his cup back down and bites his lower lip sending a quick tingle up from the bottom of my toes, and the tingle swirls around in my stomach. Within seconds I am walking his way, my chest slightly puffed and my chin held high. Confidence oozes off of me, draping a long robe behind me that follows my steps. His lips pull up into a half smile and he pushes off the rail, meeting me halfway between the dance floor and the bar top. "I would love to get in a good conversation with you but I bet our bodies would speak louder than we can over this music, dance with me?" His voice is hoarse yet angelic and my whole body melts into a puddle. I open my mouth but am unable to make out any words. I quickly re-coop and take his hand in mine, leading him back out to the dance floor. His hand is warm entangled in mine and my body longs to push up against him, getting to know him without any words. As we reach the center of the floor, our bodies connect like magnets. His hands travel up my legs, unraveling each and every nerve ending that he caresses. My lips part, as I can no longer keep a steady breath. I want to turn to face him, see his beautiful face under the club lights. I want to run my hands down the front of his body, I wonder how far he will let me get.. As I attempt to make the move, his grip tightens around my waist, pinning me to him. I throw back my head in frustration only to rest it on the lower part of his chest. He takes advantage of my open angle and swoops his head down, sucking and biting on my sweet spot behind my ear. A small moan escapes my lips and he laughs gently sending goosebumps racing down my spine at the ghost of his breath.

"You like that?" he whispers seductively. My words are still held down by the lump in my throat. I nod softly, encouraging him for more. Instead, his hands reach for my chin and gently guides me to spin towards him until I am lost in the blue in his eyes. Suddenly, I can no longer feel the bottom of my feet. I am floating and he is too, in the middle of the dance floor with 500 people lost in their own realities. His head dips down, brushing his lips slightly against mine as he takes the bottom of my lip in between his teeth. The feeling brings the floor back to my feet. I pull away with a gasp and there is only one thing on my mind in the moment. My eyes search the floor, no Shay. Then they shoot towards the door of the club, clean getaway. They fall back into the gaze of this unknown sex symbol. His eyes are a shade darker. I want him. I didn't care what would follow, in the moment I know this man wants me too, giving me this confidence that I have never felt in my life. This complete godlike stranger wants me.

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